Chapter 2

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Somehow Felix managed to fall asleep while Chan was still walking. The view Chan got was beautiful, way more beautiful than the night sky he loved so much. Stepping through the fresh grass made him forget that the young man in his arms was the prince from the Kingdom. But why should he care anyways? He would made the blonde his own prince in a world the humans aren't allowed to enter. Except you were dragged from a mythical creature into it like Felix. 

Even though Chan knew that Felix was a human and lived after the rules from his father, he somehow felt that this boy was different and the words that Felix gave him just confirmed him. But it wasn't only the words that made him see something different in Felix, it was the way he acted too. From the first time he met this boy, he always saw a bit of curiosity and admiration in his eyes as if the prince has just waited for this day. The thoughts of it made Chan somehow feel special. In the presence of Felix he didn't felt like a monster that was feared and used from the human race. He felt like a god coming to show him the world that he had dreamed of. 

It wouldn't take long till Chan entered the other side, the mythical side of the world. The grass that used to be fresh and green now also had a soft glimmer. The blue night sky with the shining stars made the colorful leaves from the trees looks like they are shining all by themselves. Many little fireflies gave the whole nature a warm being. Little foxes with a white fur with a glowing blue mix where walking right to him. The several tails of each one wiggles in excitement, curious what the werewolf brought with him. With their six legs they were sitting right in front of Chan, who just stood there, admiring the sleeping prince in his arms. The more he was looking at him, the more sure he got that he wanted to make this boy his. And only his. 

And of course Chan wanted to make his future boy happy. Instead of walking to his home, he stood in the mythical forest, now sitting on the ground with Felix in his lap. "You should wake up, little prince.", he whispered, letting a hand go through the hair from Felix. But the prince was still sleeping, obviously not getting to wake up this easy, but Chan got an idea. With a quiet whistle he signaled one fox to come closer, letting him lick with his tongue right over the face making the prince shut open his eyes. First he looked surprised, but as he saw the pleading eyes from the mythical fox, he let out a small "Awww" and began to pet the head from the animal. 

Felix was so distracted from the fox, that he didn't really realized in who's lap he was sitting. The other foxes, that were coming nearer as Felix showed his love to the animals, also distracted him from recognizing Chan. But the werewolf didn't care, he just enjoyed the view he got. If someone would ask him what his best life choice was, in this moment he would answer with that he just kidnapped the prince from the enemy king. Felix meanwhile let his soft hands sink deep into the fur from the foxes. He loved the soft fur on his hands and the obviously happy reactions from the little creatures. 

The blonde haired prince winced as he felt a pair of hands on his waist. Out of shock he looked behind him just to look right into Chan's face. The shock on his face instantly turned into a smile. "I love how much you love them. I am curious how much you would fall in love with the world once I show you the most beautiful places.", Chan whispered into his ear with a friendly smile. "How can a place be more beautiful than this? this forest is already overwhelming me." The hand from the younger than again glided into the fur from the foxes, that already climbed into the lap from Felix while some were rubbing their heads against Chan's legs. "How dark and sad the human world looks was overwhelming for me too, Felix. Till I saw the inside of the castle from your father. Or rather, till I saw the basement from your fathers castle. I swear to you that I will always show you something new, absolutely beautiful in this world you would never have dreamed of." 

The words Felix got to hear made him really happy. In his mind he was still asking if he was dreaming or if it was all real. It was to beautiful to be real. But if this was a dream, he never wanted to leave it, never wanted to be back in the place he used to be. Forever he wanted to stay with the creature that he should call stranger, but he felt already too close to him to call him still stranger. He felt more like a rescuer that stole him away from the dark to show him the light. Felix could never find enough words to thank him. And he could never thank enough his fate that a this good looking mythical man rescued him. 

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