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All after a long time of recreating the same accident of using bottled up emotions that Matilda has used to wake him up after an attempt to defend herself from yume...where the boy is now waking up, this time in a properly controlled environment...

sekiei: ...urrghhh...

???: oh! he's awake!

...the nurse on standby, that being mesmer jr. who is anticipating for what she has to say after all the insanity that has been caused by the boy's shikigami, even with it's ability to summon it out and even solidify out a couple of energy that seems to be more like a curse...

sekiei: whwere am i now this time?

???: you're in a hospital tent somewhere near the st.pavlov foundation...and it seems that you've  passed out form the whole encounter...i was about to cut you up and then see if i can jumpstart you manually!

...the boy is freaked out and can clearly see to that he is being hooked up to all kinds of machinery, and as he checked if his cursed energy is still in a healthy range, but when he comes to check up on it...

???: please don't we've came up based on mesmer jr.'s notes on how it works...and it seems to be as bad as we thought...

sekiei: who are you?...and why am i all healed up this quickly?!

medicine pocket: i am called medicine pocket, and as for that i found out that if i used that arcane arts against itself, it can help in healing wounds...

medicine pocket: i am called medicine pocket, and as for that i found out that if i used that arcane arts against itself, it can help in healing wounds

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...he looked at the androgynous person if they truly have a single biological gender to go by, if they had one...

sekiei: o-oh...sorry about that...

...he looked up to see that the damages has forced the hospital to relocate to the tents nearby, as the boy who has been attempted to be sealed away by that same maniac that he has killed...

sekiei: ummm...medicine pocket-sna...d-do you know what is going on here? 

...he looked at the boy? or was it a girl?...he can't really tell unless asked directly about it...

sekiei: well...can you please tell me what happened here?

medicine pocket: well to tell you the truth...we have managed to extract that strange energy that you have been stockpiling, and it seems to be revolutionary ever since that mesmer jr. said in the reports that it recharges when bottled up emotions on the "bad" side...

sekiei: can recharge it...well that's cursed energy for you!

medicine pocket: and by the way...Ms. Z i s looking forward to talk with you...

sekiei: huh?...why me?

medicine be're the one who is partially responsible for destroying parts of the foundation's hospital with that golem of yours...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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