CH# 2

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[A/N: did you know? the descriptions of the techniques are named after the gundam frames]

with the boy managing to run off into the town, with people staring at him, giving him looks knowing that he is a foreigner, but didn't gave him any more notice at all...

sekiei: wha- oh crap! my ID card!

...where he patted all over his body, after he realized that the ID card that he has used to let them know of his identity is now at the hands of two girls form the probable equivalent of jujutsu high, where he gave out a sigh of relief, that he didn't listened to the best chances that he's got to return back to Tokyo, japan in time...he can't go around asking as many people as he wants to, and this isn't the best place to hide in, and he isn't too far from the abandoned mines, and the apartment building that he has set up in blazes before being forced to flee form firefighters with one of them being armed with some power...

sekiei: alright...i guess i better find whatever this st. pavlov foundation, and maybe just maybe...they know what happened...

...he lamented in rethinking that he should've ran off with his jujutsu high ID still in the hands of the one wearing a top hat, as he looks for a place to rest up for a bit until he can figure out on what to do next in the meantime... 

vertin pov:

with her being hot on the trail with the trail still is pretty off pretty warm, leading them into the small town... 

vertin: the trial is pretty warm...he wouldn't bee that far off...

sonneto: timekeeper...about the boy, i can feel that he has a lot of power, it isn't the same as arcanum that we use...

vertin: i can feel it too...we must not allow for the manus to get their hands on him and recruit him to their cause...

sonneto: i understand timekeeper...

...they walked through to the town, not knowing what might be ahead of the both of them, keeping on the lookout for a foreigner in the midst of the other people, with a hoodie, they can't miss him in a small town where he can't get a means of transportation tov run off to anywhere...

vertin: and his power, it feels a little bit...unholy if you ask me...

...she couldn't make any heads or tails about his motives, let alone the strange powers that he utilizes on a whim...

sonneto: he isn't far...but that show of power, we need to ask headquarters for extra assistance...

vertin: i am on it...

...she called the st. pavlov foundation for the resources needed to bring him down to at least ensure his safety...but this is when the trail gets scrambled thanks to the crowd's daily commute, making it way harder for them to find him...where she decides to get into contact...

vertin: ms. Z...we request assistance...

ms. z: ...vertin, you rarely call during your what do you need...

...the sharply-dressed girl now explained what she and her partner now are being able to encounter first hand, given her the voice form the little device that was hidden within one of her suit's pockets... 

vertin: ...we...we have encountered a teenage boy, who is strong enough to do battle with the manus vindictae alone...with almost no survivors...

ms. z: a boy...picking a fight with the manus vindictae!?

...she can her the shock in her voice, that being the evidence that she needs...

ms.z: i...see, i will send you the resources just in case, we might be fighting a rouge arcanist, i will send in a couple of agents in a different location, and if your lucky, you will be able to handle him...before the storm gets to him...

reversal of the jade obsidian [Jujutsu kaisen X reverse 1999]Where stories live. Discover now