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"Why ain't she picking up?" Sam growled in annoyance as his call was sent to voicemail for the eighth time.

"Why don't ya try—?" Tom began but his friend was quick to cut him off.

"Absolutely not," he huffed, pressing the contact once more in the hopes the call would be answered. "I'm just gan keep tryin'."

"Mate, there's nee point, as much as I hate it, she ain't gan answer in time," Dean frowned, offering Sam a pitiful stare.

"Hello," he answered eagerly as the sound of the call being answered echoed down the line.

"I wouldn't waste your breath, son, she's not coming."

Sam's blood ran cold as his father's icy tone flooded his ear. It was enough to spark his rage, his grip on the device tightening.

"Where is she?" he demanded through gritted teeth. "Put her on."

"She's busy," he retorted, his tone laced with amusement. "Better not waste time, Samuel, clock's ticking."

"We still have a day yet," he snapped.

"Hmm, then why are yer stood ootside the registry office reet now?" he chuckled. His nonchalance was the complete opposite to the anger that coursed through Sam's veins but William's ability to get under his skin was unmatched. "I'm glad to see you've come to your senses. Your mother sends her regards."

"Fuck you—"

Before Sam could finish, the call ended and along with it, any hopes of quelling his rage. He could hear his best friends trying to pull him from his fit of anger but it did nothing to stop his phone from being smashed against the nearest wall, the device immediately disintegrating into a pile of broken glass and metal.

"Calm the fuck down, mate," Dean scolded, resting a warning hand on Sam's shoulder to ground him. "What the fuck happened?"

"She's not coming," he growled, running a hand over his face. "Y'kna, I always thought my mother would be at my wedding like, regardless of who I was marrying."

"She probably has a reason," Tom offered but it did little to assure him. He was already angered by her reluctance to hold her husband accountable for any of his actions and the fact that even when he was forced into these situations by him, she still chose to stay with him.

"Ask me if I care," he snarled, tugging at his hair as Heidi slipped out of the registry office. Sam had asked her to call you, knowing that you wouldn't answer if he tried. You hadn't spoken to him since your argument the night before, letting every single one of his calls go to voicemail and ignoring his pleas for you to unlock the door of your room. He tried to coerce you out that morning but he found the room already deserted and you, nowhere to be found. "Well?"

"She's not answering me," the younger girl sighed, a deep frown etched into her features. "Phones gan straight to voicemail, it's like her phone's dead."

"That wouldn't surprise me," he grumbled.

"Sam, we canna wait any longer, we have to start now," Joe announced as he joined the crowd outside.

"Five minutes," he huffed.

"We've pushed it back all we can, mate," he sighed, pushing his suit jacket back and resting a hand on his hip. "I'm sorry it's turned oot this way but shit happens."

"Y/N's not here," he pointed out emotionlessly but deep down it hurt. Knowing he had you by his side throughout this was his anchor and the fact no one could even get hold of you hurt.

"Even if someone was able to reach her, it'd be too late for her to get here now," he told him. "Maybe it's for the best, d'yer really want her to watch yer marry another lass? Her friend, might I add?"

Ride or Die | Sam Fender AUWhere stories live. Discover now