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A cold breeze blew tiny ice crystals in Jisungs face, where they melted immediately. It weren't snowflakes though, it didn't snow since the early morning.
The neighborhood looked beautiful from up here, hundreds of lights decorated the dark of this night. It was a special night for many people, ending the old year and welcoming a new, innocent year, clear like a brand new canvas, ready to be filled with resolutions and memories. For Jisung the night of the 31st December was the most important for another reason.
After having a long talk with Chan, mostly consisting of the elder comforting Jisung while the latter expressed a hundred and one worries and what-if-scenarios he had decided to wait on the rooftop of Minho’s old apartment at quarter to midnight on the last day of 2320. There was no guarantee that Minho would also show up. But there was hope. Hope in every part of Jisung’s heart, hope in his eyes, his stomach, even in every single cold fingertip. On his way here Chan had called the younger to calm him down as much as he was able through the phone. “Minho didn’t tell me that he changed his mind, so you should be good, Jisung. I am sure he would’ve told one of us if he’d decide to not go.” That was what Chan had said. So there was a chance. A big chance? At least a chance.
The boy concentrated his eyes on the lights of a bus stop down the road in an attempt to collect his thoughts and calm down when he heard the creaking sound of the metal door to the stairs being closed. Jisung spun around, glancing at a figure in a dark, padded coat standing next to the greenhouse.
Only the wind could be heard, carrying the dull noises of the streets and open windows up to the rooftop, where the two men just stood and stared at each other, five meters of snow coated ground between them.
After a while Jisung had to blink, was it because of the snowflakes that started in this very moment to fall and had landed on his lashes or the traitorous hot burn from somewhere behind his eyes?
There he  was, the love of his life, right in front of him. This was real.  
“Min? You really came? “ The question came out as a whisper, still loud enough in this quiet night to be heard by the other boy.
“Come here.” Minho opened his arms and pulled his boyfriend in a tight hug. This felt so right, fitting like two pieces of a puzzle. “I missed you so much, Min. So damn much!” Jisung nuzzled his face in the crook of the elders neck and took a deep breath. He had missed this smell, like coffee and summer rain.
“I missed you, too, my baby.” Minho hugged the younger even tighter. A tear made its way down his cheek, but he couldn’t care less. Here he was, on the rooftop of his old apartment building, holding his everything in his arms, finally.

“You look different.” Minho gazed over his boyfriend's face. The beautiful sparkling eyes were still the same. The soft skin was still the same. The lips were the same, too. Jisung cheekbones were more prominent now, it seemed like he had lost the squishy cheeks that Minho had adored so much. “Are you eating enough?”
Hearing the worry in Minho's voice the younger chuckled. “I eat enough, no need to worry. I- I just started to exercise again, maybe that's what you mean.”
Since the elder’s hands were still placed on Jisungs upper arms he used this opportunity to feel them through the coat. Yup, the boy in front of him definitely had worked out. Feeling the  recently gained muscles under the fabric made Minho want to get rid of all these unnecessary layers of clothes, to really see, to really feel Jisung. Everything. He needed to recharge and that sounded like a pretty reasonable way to do so.

Now it was Jisungs turn to worry. The dark circles under his boyfriends eyes, his usually fair skin looked even paler. And did he get thinner? “What about you? You don't look good, Min.”
“Well, maybe I forgot to eat or go outside one or two days.” That he still struggled with the whole situation as if it was the first day he decided to keep a secret. Most of the past days he wasn't even able to remember, simply nothing had happened over the last month. Sometimes he had talked to Changbin, sometimes to Chan. Sometimes he went to university, sometimes he stayed in his bed the whole day.
“Don't skip your meals.” Jisung places his cold hands on Minho's warm, sunken cheeks. “You need to eat, Min. Otherwise I'll order food to your house at least once every day.” Minho smiled reassuringly. “No need to, baby. I will eat more, I promise.”
“Good.” The smile took over the younger's face, too and the two men again just looked at each other.
“I missed you.” No matter how many times Jisung has already said it, he still felt the urge to make it really clear to the other boy. With his hands still on Minho's cheeks he examined every centimeter of the latter’s face. His pretty lips, his cute nose, his eyes. Oh, how he had missed staring into those deep, magical eyes. The dark orbs seemed to suck Jisung in, with everything he had. And said boy gratefully accepted that.
“I missed you, too.” Minho placed his hands around Jisung's neck so that their faces were even closer than before.
The sound of a single rocket exploding some blocks away in the night sky startled both of them, both heads turned to see the last bit of the rocket's green glow perish in the dark. When the couple turned their faces back to each other more fireworks started to lighten up the night, painting red, golden and green shadows on the boys faces.
“Happy new year, Ji.”
“Happy new year. “ It was only a whisper, only meant for each other. Their lips finally met after the longest month, after the longest 380 hours of their lives. And it felt like it was their very first kiss, their most meaningful kiss and their last kiss, all at the same time.

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