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"Okay. I need you to stay calm. Don't freak out or yell at me, okay?"

Felix had placed both his hands on his best friend's shoulders after dragging him out of the cafeteria, down the street and into a small alley. The freckled boy had ignored everything Jisung had complained on their way here, even that it was way too cold to leave university without a jacket at this time of the year. Hell, it was almost New Year's Eve!

"Yeah. So. What do you want? I can't feel my toes anymore", the older boy whined annoyed. "And why did you drag me here? Couldn't you just choose the janitor's closet or one of the bathrooms, like every normal person would?"
"For what, for making out with you?"
"If I wanted to do that I'd have stayed inside, of course. But I have to tell you something that only you should hear. I don't want anyone to eavesdrop."

His hands still rested on Jisung's shoulders, fingers red from the cold. It had snowed all day and since nobody had bothered to shovel snow in this alleyway the frozen white crystals went up to the student's calves and wetted their shoes and pant legs.

"Then spill, Lix! I want to go back, if I get the flu or something I'll blame it on you."

The younger took a deep breath, a white cloud left his mouth and vanished into the December air. "You can meet Minho if you want."

"I can what?"

"You understood. You can meet him. On New Year's Eve. If you want to."
"What- how?" Jisung's brain decided to shut down. He couldn't follow what the shivering boy with the excitedly sparkling eyes in front of him had just said.
"You know, this is a very bad moment to joke about that."

It has been almost a month since he has seen Minho. It took all these days, every single one of those 624 hours for Jisung to get over the pain. It's not like it would be gone now, it just had transformed. Now the sharp, stinging sherds changed into a dull pain beneath the surface, always present but kind of... normal.
And of all people Felix made fun of Jisung's situation? The older student didn't even think that this was a possible scenario.

But the freckled boy shook his head vehemently when Jisung was about to turn away from him.
"I'm not joking, Ji. We found a way, it's not a joke, I swear. "
"Then how.."
"Let's just say we managed, Chan helped. Of course you don't have to go, it's your decision. Chan also asks Minho today. But... Yeah. Maybe this is some kind of a once in a lifetime chance? Think about it."

The rest of the day only Jisungs body attended the remaining classes, his mind was occupied with Felix' words.
You can meet Minho of you want.


Later at home the thoughts ate Jisung up. Since Felix had mentioned that Chan was participating in this plan the boy was sure that his freckled friend had told him the truth. If Chan was involved Jisung supposed that STAY also had to do with it. And he trusted them.

And of course he wanted to see Minho again! He was the most important person in Jisungs life, the constant he needed, the love he had thought he would never find, the love that usually only existed in books and movies.

But still, even if it felt like a second chance, the thought that this probably would be the final time to talk to him made Jisung's heart heavy.

Someone once had said If you don't try to win then you will lose for sure. And losing like this wasn't Jisung's style at all. He would fight for Minho, until the very end.

Maybe he should ask Chan if it was okay to tell Min about STAY? Would his best friend join him to fight for their love, for justice for all the left out people?
Would he stay by his side, maybe not because the system had decided it but because his heart did?
Or would he freak out and leave Jisung behind forever?

Jisung knew that he would definitely go. He had to, he couldn't miss a chance like this.
And no matter how it would end, how Minho would decide, he at least needed to make the reunion unforgettable for both of them.

Aaaah yes, life is crazy these days. It's a short chapter but I promise, the next one will be longer (and more emotional whoops)
Dont forget to drink enough water my loves🤍
Oh and I need you to listen to Luminous, I listen to them a lot while writing these days. Go check the babies out, they are amazing✨

STAY - Against The System | CHOSEN 2 (MINSUNG FF)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora