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Felix promised to not tell anyone about that mysterious organization that had reached out for his best friend. He must admit that curiosity started tickling under his skin. A place where nobody would judge him for who he was? That sounded truly heavenly.
Still, he was skeptical. Who were these people? The way they had reached out for Jisung was something Felix never had heard of before. Skilled heads must have been behind this.

After some minutes of silence the elder suddenly sat up on his bed.
“I think I will contact them.”

It surely took him a lot of energy to think through this, trying hard to not let his mind get completely clouded by the possibility of being reunited with Minho again. This was something you should consider seriously, that was why the boy’s head felt like bursting after generating one pro- and con-list after another.

“But how will you contact them? You didn’t get a phone number or anything, right?”

Jisung pointed at something small and black on his nightstand, right next to his alarm clock.

“A usb drive?”
The elder nodded. “Y gave it to me and said I could reach out to them with it. I don’t really know how, though.”
“I mean, they clearly have hackers and people like that over there. The way they contacted you is surely not the easiest.”

The freckled boy could be right.
“Should we try it?”
“You really want to do that, huh?”
“Lix, it’s like the only way to stay with Min.”

Seeing the helpless smile and the mixture of pain and resignation in his best friend’s eyes built a lump in Felix’ throat. Jisung felt like he had nothing left to lose anymore. The system took away the most precious person he had in life.
In his eyes he had no choice.
He had to try this.

The dark haired boy stood up, usb drive in his hand, Felix right behind him.
After plugging the hard drive in the computer, a black window popped up in front of the wallpaper - a picture of Jisung and his friends back in their schooldays, smiling at the camera on a field trip. Felix had had his natural hair color back then, Seungmin had worn round glasses and Hyunjin's hair looked a little weird since he accidentally had burned some strands while running around with sparklers on his birthday. Those were good times. Easier times.

Similar to the first time Jisung had contacted the organization, white capital letters showed up.


“What is the passcode? Did you get one from this dude?”

No, but Jisung was confident to know what he had to type in.

“Minho’s birthday?"

Yes, they in fact had used the same way to verify Jisung again.


>>>YES<<<               >>>NO<<<

Jisung selected YES.
The program went dark. And it stayed like that for quite a while.

“Did you accidentally hit NO? Did it just destroy itself?” Felix almost screamed. He seemed way more excited than his older friend.

Fortunately the blonde’s worries were proven wrong.


What did they mean?
Jisung typed the letter in and the screen immediately changed.

37°30'28.8"N 126°52'28.0"E

Jisung copied the coordinates and the boys looked them up. Again, it was located in the same outer district as the last meeting.

"Are you sure you want to go there alone?"
"Positive. I managed last time, too. It's not far from the last location as the map shows."

Felix slowly nodded. He didn't like the feeling of knowing that his best friend would be out there in that unsafe neighborhood, in the dark and cold, to meet with these strangers. They maybe had good intentions but still, it felt like there was too much hidden in the dark. Felix had many questions, but his friend wouldn’t be able to answer even half of them.

But who was he to decide what Jisung should do? The boy was way too stubborn anyways. Plus, it was about Minho. He would do anything when it came to Minho.

"Okay. But promise me to call me when you are on your way back. Or when something happens. Or when you simply want to talk. Just call me, I will stay up."

Hi hello my loves, I hope you are doing well🌸
Just came back from a concert and felt kinda bad for not updating in a long time. I'll continue writing today since I don't have anything else to do, my mind is still very clouded by Na Jaemins smile akdhdksjs
I missed writing a lot, that's what I realized last week. It is so calming!

STAY - Against The System | CHOSEN 2 (MINSUNG FF)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant