Chapter 12

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Alex chuckled " You can't be serious, there are so many bad ideas in the request you ask, am sure you know what happened the last time we went in time and the craziest of all is that you want to go and me Medusa why on God earth would you want to do that"
Ethan revealed the true purpose of their mission - to save Andrew " I know this very dangerous but we have to do it and that is why I would be going alone"
Sofia disagree"no you can't go alone it is really dangerous what if you need help if that time wraith shows up again"
"That more reason why I have to go alone I'm the one that put Andrew in that situation he is now and I can't risk putting anyone else in life jeopardy stay here and make sure no one else find out about Andrew"
Doubt flickered in Alex's eyes "I don't like this but It the least I can do to help for what i have done before cause in one Way or the other this is also my fault", Alex agreed to assist them, cautioning, "I will open the portal and it will only be stable for three hours, not a second more if the portal close there is no way I can reach and you will be lost in time forever so whatever you do make sure you make it back on time. Alex opened the portal.
As the portal opened before them, Sofia, Ethan, and Alex exchanged one last apprehensive glance. Ethan set his clock alarm for 3 hours and steeled himself, knowing the fate of his friend rested on this perilous journey. With a deep breath, he stepped into the unknown, ready to rewrite history and secure Medusa's blood with unwavering determination. The fabric of time rippled around him as he plunged into the unknown,

Ethan found himself in the forest with the portal still opened behind him in the vibrant 17th century, surrounded by ancient temples and gods of various mythologies.
Standing in the serene gardens of Athena's temple, a determined gleam in his eyes, he whispered to himself, "This is Athena's temple, this is where it happened. I just need to find Medusa first." With a mix of awe and intrigue,
Ethan observed the devout worshippers kneeling before altars, paying homage to deities like Zeus, Odin, Poseidon, Atlas, and even Thor. Knowing that Medusa was a humble maid, Ethan made a beeline for the maid quarters within the sprawling temple complex.
As he navigated the bustling temple grounds, Ethan couldn't help but notice the curious glances and snickers directed at him due to his peculiar clothes, a stark contrast to the traditional garb of the era.
Undeterred, he pressed on, determined to unravel the mysteries of the past. Upon reaching the entrance to the palace where gods and kings convened, Ethan was promptly stopped by vigilant guards who make jest of his appearance, dismissing him as a madman.
Undaunted by their skepticism, Ethan scanned his surroundings and spotted a discreet door reserved for the maids and slave of the gods and kings. Seizing the opportunity, Ethan slipped through the unassuming entrance and found a sleeping slave.
Swiftly and silently, he improvised by using a plank of wood to render the slave unconscious and swiftly changed into her attire.
In a daring move, Ethan adopted the guise of a slave, a disguise that would test his mettle in the realm of gods and kings.
Emerging from the slave quarters, Ethan's heart raced as he caught the eye of the slave master,
" What are doing just standing there" said the slave master
"Ethan sorry sir I was just going"
The slave brought out his whip and gave Ethan a painful stroke of it "I am not your sir I am your master, when did you get here"
Ethan in deep pain from the beaten answer with is voice shaking "not long sir I mean master"
The horse of the royal wizard came in the temple so the slave master promptly assigned him to assist the newly arrived royal wizard.
Without missing a beat, Ethan complied, concealing his true identity beneath the veil of his newfound role. Following the wizard while carrying his box on his head with measured steps, Ethan's mind raced with anticipation, recognizing the rare chance to infiltrate the inner sanctum of the temple palace and find Medusa .
With improvisation as his ally and creativity as his sword, Ethan braced himself for the challenges and revelations that awaited him within the sacred halls of gods and kings.
In the depths of the royal wizard room, as Ethan entered, a sense of wonder and trepidation filled the air.
The room was adorned with ancient tomes, shimmering crystals, and a table with a mirror that seemed to hold a hidden power.
As Ethan obediently placed the box beside the mirror table, his eyes met the reflection in the mirror, and his heart skipped a beat.
Staring back at him was none other than his great grandfather, Magnus the Great, a legendary figure in his family's history. Ethan stood frozen in awe, unable to comprehend the impossible sight before him.
Magnus, noticing Ethan's stunned expression, broke the silence with a chuckle. "I thought slaves were not supposed to look their masters in the eyes," he teased, a twinkle of amusement in his own eyes.
Ethan quickly averted his gaze, stammering an apology for his impudence.
"It's alright, boy. What is your name?" Magnus inquired, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity.
Flustered, Ethan searched his mind for a suitable alias and replied, "Mikael, master." Magnus raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "You don't strike me as a Mikael. How did a lad like you end up as a slave in my service?"
Ethan hesitated, "I was sold after my mom and dad were... taken from me," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
Perplexed by the unfamiliar terms, Magnus probed further. "What do you mean, 'mom and dad'?"
Ethan quickly corrected himself, "I meant my mother and father, master." Understanding dawned on Magnus as he nodded solemnly, a flicker of sympathy in his ancient eyes.
Before the conversation could continue, a soft knock resounded through the room, and a new figure entered. "Forgive me, master. I am Medusa, your maid. How may I serve you, my master?" she announced, her presence both surprising and intriguing to Ethan as to he as found who he was searching for.
Magnus greeted her with a warm smile but politely declined her services, stating that he already had company.
Disappointed but respectful, Medusa bowed and made her exit, leaving Ethan with a mix of emotions swirling within him.
As he discreetly checked his pocket watch, realizing time was slipping away, Ethan felt a sense of urgency creeping in. Magnus, however, had other plans. He called back Medusa and he handed her a small vial and instructed her to deliver it to Poseidon, she took the vial and left the room

Ethan felt like he was wasting his time just standing there, ready to help out at a moment's notice. "Master, if there is nothing I can do for you right now, may I go and come back later?" Ethan finally gathered the courage to speak up.
Magnus, with a twinkle in his eye, looked at Ethan and smiled. "You truly don't know what your job is, but that's okay. You can go," Magnus replied, eliciting a sense of relief in Ethan.

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