The end ❕

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Hey so long time no see 😅🥲 so  just to get you up to speed I've been through some terrible stuff these past months. I'm okay now so don't stress but I was in hospital I wasn't allowed back at school for 3 months I was sick. Wasn't allowed to write finals for the year and all but yeah. 🫠

So as you can tell from the um title this is the end. I won't be continuing this book. Yeah I'm heartbroken to 💔. But yeah I'll leave it up so people can read it still but it's done, it's over.

I do want to say a massive thank you 😊 to all the people I've had to work with and talk with Because of this book and all the support from you guys so yeah. 🤍🤍

I have come to the realisation that I'm into anime ( yeah kind cringe 😬 but idc) but I'm still 100% in love 😍 with formula 1 , don't worry my dreams still involve formula 1 I'm just getting more serious about it so yeah.

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