"And thus, the legendary dogs were reborn, their forms imbued with an otherworldly grace that set them apart from their mortal counterparts," Cynthia explains, her words painting a poignant picture of redemption amidst the ruins of destruction.

As the tale unfolds, Ash, Lillie, and their companions find themselves captivated by the resilience of the legendary dogs, their spirits soaring on wings of hope and renewal. "It's incredible to think that they were once just like any other Pokémon," Ash muses, his gaze reflecting the awe inspired by their journey from tragedy to triumph.

As the conversation turns to the legendary Alpha Pokémon, Arceus, a shadow passes over Ash's face, casting a pall of unease over the gathering. Sensing his discomfort, Lillie's heart quickens with apprehension, her voice trembling as she voices her concerns.

"Um... Cynthia, perhaps it's best if we don't delve into the story of Michina and Arceus," Lillie ventures, her words tinged with a hint of fear. "You know how it ends, with Arceus returning to seek revenge for the Jewel of Life. I... I don't want to risk inviting that danger upon us."

Ash's expression softens slightly as he reassures Lillie, his voice carrying a note of determination. "It's okay, Lillie. I'm fine now," he says, his gaze meeting hers with a reassuring warmth.

Cynthia furrows her brow, her gaze shifting between Ash and Lillie with a sense of concern. "I apologize, I nearly forgot about your connection to Arceus," she says, her voice filled with regret. "I understand your apprehension, but the tale of Michina and Arceus is one of the most renowned legends in our world."

Undeterred by the weight of history, Ash reaches into his bag, his fingers closing around the sacred plates that bear testament to his bond with Arceus. "I still have five plates missing, which together form the Jewel of Life," he explains, his voice steady with resolve. "When the time comes for me to journey to Sinnoh, I intend to reclaim what is rightfully mine."

As Cynthia's tales of legendary Pokémon continue, the focus shifts to the tumultuous events of the Great Kalos War, a conflict that saw the titans Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde clash amidst the chaos of battle. However, the details of this epic struggle remain shrouded in mystery, prompting Cynthia to steer the conversation towards another enigmatic figure: Necrozma, the blinding one.

"The story of Necrozma is one shrouded in darkness and exile," Cynthia begins, her voice carrying a weight of sorrow for the fate that befell the powerful Pokémon. "Once revered as a legendary being, Necrozma was exiled to the realm of the Ultra Beasts, cast out for its overwhelming power and the darkness that consumed its heart."

As the tale unfolds, Cynthia reveals the origins of Necrozma's descent into darkness, recounting how the once-majestic Pokémon became consumed by its own power, transforming into a relentless force of destruction. "In its thirst for power, Necrozma sought to harness the very essence of light, stealing from the world around it to fuel its insatiable hunger," Cynthia explains, her words tinged with sorrow for the tragic fate that befell the once-noble creature.

"But even in its darkest hour, Necrozma's legacy endures," Cynthia continues, her voice filled with reverence for the indomitable spirit that resides within the Blinding One. "For it was from the shattered remnants of Necrozma that Arceus fashioned two new guardians: Solgaleo and Lunala, embodiments of the sun and moon."

As the gravity of Cynthia's words sinks in, Lillie's eyes widen with awe at the magnitude of Necrozma's power. "I had no idea Necrozma was such a formidable force," she murmurs, her voice filled with wonder.

Ash nods in agreement, his gaze fixed on Cynthia as she continues to unravel the intricacies of Necrozma's tale. "It's incredible to think how one Pokémon's thirst for power could shape the destiny of an entire world," he says, his voice tinged with a mixture of admiration and respect.

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