Chapter 1

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In the dimly lit chamber, a raven-haired girl kneels before the imposing desk. Across from her sits a shadowy figure, his features obscured by darkness. His voice cuts through the silence, commanding attention.

"Aurora," he begins, his tone carrying an air of authority, "I have a mission for you."

On the screen, a man with jet-black hair and distinct crimson attire comes into focus. His cheeks bear the unmistakable Z marks, a symbol of his allegiance.

"This is Adam Red Ketchum," the figure continues, gesturing to the screen. "Leader of Team Alpha—a faction wielding extraordinary abilities to summon Legendary and Mythical Pokémon at will. They've long stood as obstacles to our domination of the Kanto and Johto Regions."

Aurora's response is measured, her voice devoid of emotion. "So, I'm to assassinate the leader of Team Alpha?"

"It's no simple task," acknowledges the figure, his silhouette shifting slightly. "But as a scion of our renowned assassin lineage, and given your track record of neutralizing our adversaries, I trust you to see it through. Infiltrate their ranks, understand their tactics, and when the opportunity arises, eliminate him."

"Yes, boss," Aurora affirms before departing. As she steps into the moonlight, revealing her determined countenance, the figure behind the desk is illuminated. Emblazoned with the letter 'R' on his shirt, he reclines with a Persian at his side, a silent sentinel to his clandestine machinations.

Aurora maintains her facade of a distressed traveler, feigning injury on the deserted road until the arrival of Team Alpha. Concerned voices echo around her as Adam, their leader, takes charge.

"Adam, there's a girl on the road. What should we do?" queries a member of the team.

Adam's gaze lingers on Aurora's unconscious form before issuing his orders. "Bring her to our base and fetch Dr. Jekyll. We can't leave anyone stranded like this. It seems she may have been attacked by wild Pokémon."

With synchronized nods, Team Alpha transports Aurora to their camp. Under the skilled care of Dr. Jekyll, her injuries are tended to, and she gradually regains consciousness.

"Feeling any better?" Adam inquires as Aurora stirs.

"A bit," she murmurs, still disoriented. "Where am I?"

"You're at our camp. We found you on the road," Adam explains. "What's your name, if I may ask?"

"Aurora," she replies, her voice hesitant. "I'm from Kalos..."

"Aurora, a lovely name," Adam remarks warmly. "Now that you're awake, do you have any family or friends? We can help send you back home."

A shadow of sadness crosses Aurora's features. "My family... they're gone. I've been alone for years..."

Adam's expression softens with sympathy. "I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like to stay with us?"

Johana, a woman standing nearby, voices her concern. "Are you sure, Adam? She's an outsider. We don't know if she's a friend or foe..."

Adam reassures her, "I trust her. She's not our enemy. Aurora, would you like to join Team Alpha?"

"Team Alpha?" Aurora echoes, feigning surprise.

"We're a group dedicated to using the power of Legendary and Mythical Pokémon to protect the world from evil," Adam explains earnestly. "We've seen corruption in the governments of all nine regions, which is why we believe in taking matters into our own hands. Will you join us?"

Aurora's heart races with the success of her infiltration. "Yes, I would like that very much."

After a year of dedicated service to Team Alpha, Aurora's loyalty wavers as she grapples with conflicting emotions. Despite her initial mission to spy on the group for Team Rocket, Aurora finds herself growing attached to her newfound comrades, who treat her with kindness and respect—qualities sorely lacking in her dealings with Team Rocket.

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