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Y/N's Pov

Gray had just lifted the cloth cover the bird cage she had revieling the talking mystic code Add, which was explained by El-Melloi II and Luvia, and lets just say Add is even more annyoing that bastard Shinji(Dead Bastard).

Add:Hey I'm talking to you, you white haired bastard!

Y/N:Well he's rather a foul mouthed mongrel isn't he.

Add:Oh shut up you after all while we were in the car waiting for you to show up,Luvia was telling all of us stories about you and you are quiet the violent bastartd. I bet you just wear that cross around your neck because you think it looks cool you fake pri-

I quickly grab the cage Add was in that Gray was holding and take it into my own hands before shocking the cage and Add with my lightning magecraft, with Luvia and Gray trying to calm me down as Flat watchs and El-Melloi II keeps driving.

Y/N:Question my Faith again mongrel and I'll crush your silicon soul. You see I have two things I hold dear and will never let go of and those are, the people I care for and my faith in God and the cloth. And I will not have my faith be questioned by some talking box, understand.

Add:"In pain"Got it, won't question it again.

Y/N:Good."In then hand the cage back to Gray who starts shacking the cage and Add with it, while I turn to talk to Luvia and El-Melloi II, while Flat is looking out the window at everything we drive by".

Y/N:Sorry about that outburst, I don't like people espically ones like him.

El-Melloi II:I"Sighing"It's alright that little bastard gets on everyones nerves.

Luvia:Yeah and besides I'm sure you'll be forget about it, when we investigate in the town around the haunted manssion.

Y/N:Wonderful how long until we get there?

El-Melloi II:Just a few more hours.

Four hours later, Y/N's Pov

After we finally arrived at the city and got out of the Limousine I decided to stretch out as El-Melloi goes over the plan.

El-Melloi II:Alright first we'll go a ask around town, I'll try and get us a hotel to stay in the mean time. The rest of you just try and keep a low profile while asking around, Y/N your in charge here's a phone to call me when your done.

After El-Melloi walked away I just started laughing because he just made the biggest mistake of his life putting me in charge.

Y/N:Well then you three you heard the man I'm in charge now follow me.

Luvia:"While walking"So where are we going.

Y/N:"while walking"Simple were do mages go when they wanna talk away from prying eyes.

Gray:"while walking"A bar?

Y/N:"while walking"Bingo. That and we should also ask around about the missing people, so we split up Flat your going with Luvia and Gray your with me. Luvia, Flat you two ask around about the missing people while me and Gray go find ourselves some talkative mages.

Luvia:"while walking"Alright just don't do anything stupid Y/N.

Y/N:"while walking away with Gray"Your one to talk Ms wrestling queen, well see you two later just call me if you get into trouble come along Gray.

Gray:"While walking with Y/N"So do you have any ideas where to start looking for mages to ask about the mansion?

Add:Yeah you got to have a plan.

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