A Date

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A few days ago I met Ginevra in town but forgot to get his number, however, the following day he sent someone to give me a letter, which was odd, people text or send emails, I don't know, but I guess it's normal for him.

I did send back a letter, asking him if he wanted to have lunch or dinner with me the next day, it took several papers though as I kept writing and scratching, but eventually, I wrote something better and of course, I wrote my number down as well before handing my response to the mailman or whatever he is, he was dressed too formally for a mailman.

Today, Ginevra is coming over for our first date and I've unpacked some of the boxes and tried to make the kitchen look cleaner.

I'm not sure what to make here. What do vampires even like to have besides blood?

I look through what I have, and after a while, I have an idea of what to make. I'll make some roasted vegetables, chicken masala, and rice. Then ice cream for dessert. Simple meal.

I quickly get everything out and start working on it. I lower the heat when cooking the chicken masala and head to the bathroom for a quick bath.

Wait, is this a date? I keep calling it a date but I only invited him over for dinner, yet here I am taking a bath for this. I've already taken a bath earlier, why the hack am I doing it again?

I feel butterflies in my stomach as I lather soap over my body. Is this how people feel when they are about to meet someone they like?

After making sure I'm clean, I get out of the bath and dry myself, then look for some clothes to wear, straight-leg denim jeans, a simple white T-shirt, and a few accessories. I try to push back the feeling that I'm wearing something nice for him as I head back to the kitchen.

I'll put a vase of the flowers he gave me right here. I grab a few flowers and place them in the centre of the dinner table.

Sometime later Ginevra is standing at my door, holding a bouquet.

So I guess this is a date. I can't help but smile.

He isn't in the usual suits that I normally see him in. His scent doesn't go unnoticed and I am somewhat happy that he didn't mask it today.

"You look very nice." I compliment him as I greet him with a hug.

"Thank you, you look handsome as always." He smiles and hands me the flowers as I let him into the house.

"The flowers are beautiful thank you." I will have a full garden of flowers soon, maybe even the entire mountain. I smile to myself. Maybe he likes flowers, that would explain his scent.

"I'm glad you like them." he smiles

I find a vase with water to put them in and lead Ginevra to the kitchen.

I'm so nervous about this, I hope it doesn't show.

"You unpacked." Ginevra looks around nodding his head

"Sort of. Only a few things."

"That's still something. It's neat." He sits on one of the chairs and watches me as I attend to my cooking.

"Are you making chicken masala?"

"Your sense of smell extends to ingredients too?" I tease

"Not really, it's just a familiar smell from the old days." He smiles, it's more to himself than to me.

I guess it's a good memory. I know memories are a vampire's treasure, although some argue that you should let them fade. "It will be ready soon. Shall I get you something to drink in the meantime?"

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