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There's a dead silence after my brother's revelation about my parents and the trouble they're in.

"We have to find her Blake and we have to prove dad was framed. He would never murder anyone." Amanda snivels

"When was dad arrested?"

"A few days after mom was kidnapped, he and Jerry had been searching for her, they got intel that she was being held somewhere outside the city, when they got there shit went sideways and Jerry was killed, but dad is being blamed for it."

My legs suddenly feel weak, like they can't hold me up anymore. I walk to the nearest couch and slump onto it.

Ginevra jumps up from where he's sitting "Jake, you didn't tell me all this when you formed an alliance with me!"

My attention snaps towards Ginevra. I didn't think it was possible for him to get angry because of his soft demeanor, but man does he look like he's about to explode.

"I didn't think it concerned you," Jake responds nonchalantly. It's a typical Hunter tactic.

"Don't act smart with me boy. I've been alive long enough to know when I'm being fooled," Ginevra seethes

This vampire, now that he speaks in a harsh tone, I can never dream of counting the number of years he has lived.

"I supported you in front of my entire family. I should've listened to my elders tell me you're not to be trusted." Ginevra crosses the room to the door in a few steps.

I can see Jake's demeanor change from not caring to regretful "Ginevra, I'm sorry okay,"

"Were you even going to help get my brother back or just kill him?"

Jake opens his mouth to respond but closes it again without a word.

"I'll find my brother on my own, our alliance has been broken." Ginevra opens the door to leave and shuts it behind him.

"Well, just so you know, we're fucked without him," Jake says sadly.

"I didn't know you to be the deceiving kind." Jake has always been the honest son, the kind to commit a crime and confess to it before anyone knows about it.

"Yes, thanks for noting my deception, Blake. What are we going to do now?" Jake buries his face in the palm of his hands and shakes his head in distress.

"Why do I get this feeling that we really needed the vampire?" I ask.

"Because we do," he frowns

I can still smell Ginevra's scent, although it's starting to fade away.

I should probably go after him and try to bring him back, that's if he doesn't try to kill me, he looked angry.

Jake and Amanda watch me with somber looks as I head to the door.

"I'll be back," I shut the door behind me.

Ginevra, which way did you go? I shift into my wolf form and go into the woods, following Gienvra's scent.

As I run I can't help but think about what my sister said.

"Find a cure for the monster, I am not a fucken disease" It hasn't been an easy road for me. It took a very long time to be in tune with my wolf. Having no pack to belong in or guidance from other werewolves made things much more difficult than I imagined. The nights when I had to knock myself out unconscious or lock myself up to prevent myself from waking up in unknown places after an involuntary transformation. Trying to separate my own thoughts from my wolf's.

"This isn't a bond they can separate. You've grown to kind of like me, why don't you tell them that?" my wolf says, he's just as angry as I am.

"I know, let's focus on the vampire, for now,"

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