On The Run

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I run through the woods, my lungs burning from the rapid gulps of air I'm taking, I don't know how long I've been running, but I'm at that point where my body is forced to breathe rapidly.

"Even the angels above can hear you breathing like that." my father says angrily.

A knife made of light whizzes past me and into a tree ahead before exploding the tree into pieces. I push myself to run even faster, ignoring the tiredness of my feet.

This training is necessary, I have to push past my limits.

"It doesn't matter if I can't see you, if I can hear you, I will find you." He emphasizes his point by throwing another knife in my direction.

More pain shoots through the soles of my feet as I jump over rocks and thick tree roots that protrude from the ground.

"Son stop!" my father suddenly screams. His panicking voice brings me to a halt and my ears perk up, listening.

I can hear my father running towards me at a faster pace than before and another set of footsteps running circles around me.

"Hold on Blake, I'm coming!" I desperately cling to those words to find a sense of comfort but fear takes a nasty grip on my heart as I begin to sense the danger I'm in.

I am being circled like a predator would its prey.

"Hold on, Blake." my father says lowly, both he and I know that he won't get to me on time.

I take deep slow breaths, trying to figure out what I can do to defend myself. Maybe I can manage for a minute or two, that will give my father enough time to get to me.

However, before I can figure anything out, something quickly moves at the corner of my eye and then I feel sharp nails dig into the back of my neck.

"NOOO BLAKE!" my father cries out.

I feel his magic emanate through me as he tries to reach out, as he tries to protect me.

"Don't kill him, I have a better idea." A voice says and a werewolf emerges out of the trees, standing right before me.

A chill runs up my spine upon hearing the words, what could be better than killing me?

My small body is dropped to the ground and I feel a set of sharp teeth sink into my shoulder.

It's at this moment that I wish I could die.

I try to scream, but it's quieted by a hand wrapping around my neck again and lifting me off the ground.

"Curse you and your entire line." the werewolf snarls.

I look into his eyes and can see the hatred there, I can see the hurt. But what did I ever do to him?

Everything begins to fade, I can hear my heart beat excruciatingly slow.

Maybe I will just die here, that would be better than living as one of them.

"Blake!" my father's hands wrap around me, he continues to cry out my name as I sink into darkness.


Someone shakes me awake and I slowly open my eyes, taking a moment to myself before sitting up.

"Blake" My attention goes to my twin brother who is sitting beside me with a worried look on his face.

"Are you still having those same nightmares?" he asks, resting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"What are you still doing here?" I swat his hand away as I get up from the couch. I dream about that night almost every time I close my eyes, it's a lot better compared to years ago.

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