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Twenty-three moons ago is when the Flames appeared. This is awakening day—the time for her creations to enter their new world.
Each Fyre begins their life as the tiniest flame, a spark. Over twenty-three mornings and nights, the Fyre grows within the flame. By the twenty-third day, they are ready to emerge from their fiery cocoons—awakening as Fyre cubs.
So far, there have only been three Awakenings. Each one having brought six exquisitely crafted Fyre's.
Vivienna checks the low-burning fire before hopping onto the stone wall beside Valrye.
"Keda better not be late." Valrye starts, checking her nails as she continues, "She's been going on about these Flames more than you."
Vivienna smirks, amused by her sister's irritation.
"She won't be late. Keda, like myself, is eager to see what these cubs can show us." Her excitement twists deep within her, tendrils trickle slowly toward Valrye.
"Enough." Valrye insists, swatting a hand through the air. "Your joy is seeping into my aura. Take it all back." Valrye teases.
Vivienna nudges her sister, "You could use some." She jokes, twisting the end of Valrye's iridescent braid around her fingers.
"I have plenty of my own, thank you." Valrye lowers her gaze, quirking one of her sharp brows. "Besides, yours is sticky." She shudders, distaste laced in her tone.
Vivienna makes a horrified expression. "Is not." She huffs under her breath, crossing her arms.
Valrye leans close to Vivienna and whispers tauntingly, "Is too, and it smells like freshly sugared sapberries. Too sweet and far too sticky."
The two fall into a nearly identical fit of giggles, turning their attention to the slowly dying fire afterward. Vivienna wonders if these Fyre cubs will awaken with horns or be able to spew an icy rain when the shuffling of several sets of feet approaching the cave tells Vivienna the rest have arrived.
"Finally." Valrye huffs as Keda and Orion enter the cave, sporting matching sour expressions. While Hael and Valentyne stroll in after them, each carrying a handle on either side of a large, woven picnic basket. Orion's white wolf, Basilea, follows the group, sashaying gracefully.
"That meeting ran longer than necessary." Hael groans, dropping the basket to the floor in sync with Valentyne.
"There's only a select few at fault for that," Valentyne remarks, sitting beside Valyn, curled up and taking a midmorning nap.
Keda falls to the smooth stone floor by Vivienna's feet, kicking off her boots and socks and letting her mane of coiled curls free from the aching bun she forced them into every morning.
"And while these two were getting their wings chewed by the big guy." Keda grins, reaching over to prop open the basket lid.
"I snagged us some lunch." She finishes, flashing dimples as she reveals the impressive array of cheeses, meats, small bread loaves, fruits, freshly squeezed juices, and still-steaming baked goods.
Vivienna snatches a puffy pastry, taking a giant bite out of it. She doesn't miss Hael's sly smirk as he watches her devour the tasty treat intensely.
"Why exactly were everyone's wings being chewed?" Vivienna questions through a mouth full of pastry, and Hael's smirk turns into a full-blown smile as he cozies up to a peacefully sleeping Valyn.
"Quit smiling at me like that," Vivienna orders playfully, but Hael doesn't answer, a sly smile still pulling at his lips as he turns his attention to shining his apple.
"There are still some slight issues with a few of our current initiates," Orion tells Vivienna, giving Hael a sharp, accusatory glance as he does.
Valentyne snorts, "Don't be shy, Orion. It's okay to admit that your little brother hasn't a shred of temperamental control." Valentyne bites, shooting another poisonous glare Hael's way.
Valrye chuckles softly, gaze still trained on the low fire at the center of the pit. Keda, too, refrains from interjecting as she snacks on her food.
Vivienna frowns deeply, her brows furrowed, looking to Hael in question. Hael tries to hold her sharp, fiery gaze. Only giving in once it turns into one with literal flames flickering in her irises.
He shrugs innocently, "I cannot help it if, by some chance of fate, I slip and the stars connect my fist with Andratos' face." He takes a bite from his glowing emerald apple, a too-carefree look on his face.
"Slipped!" Valentyne shouts, scoffing in disbelief. Hael shrugs again, whispering yes with a slight nod in between bites.
"I watched the entire interaction. You hardly slipped. You cannot act that way and expect to become Lord Commander." That is all Valentyne says, not wanting to throw Hael into Vivienna's flaming den. However, it is probably too late.
Her face remains expressionless, and her mind remains eerily silent, but Hael knows he won't get out of this one that easily. Unless she is deciding to have mercy because his birthday is so near, yeah, he'll go with that.
By the grace of the stars, the conversation shifts in Hael's favor, and a warm breeze hums alongside the group's quiet chatter.
Valentyne has just begun to doze off when the fire at the center of the pit dies, immediately followed by the alarming sounds like breaking glass, followed by a burst of flame surrounding each of the Flames, filling up most of the pit.
Keda leans into Vivienna's warmth while she watches, squeezing her hand tight with anticipation. The Flames burn heavily, practically bursting with power.
When the fire clears, it reveals six magnificent, winged creatures. The soothing scent of warm lavender and fresh spring water fills the cave.
"Remember, let them squawk and wander around. They're fine. Once their eyes open, we can show them the way to the stream, and the Fyre Guides will take it from there." Vivienna reminds them quietly. They each return a silent nod, their attentions locked on the cubs.

The first cub to emerge from the embers is oily, black, and screeching its wings off. The following two come out in similar shades of violet, while the final three are varying shades of burning red and orange, the tips of their wings and tails a pure white.
When the first cub finally ceases its squawking, it fumbles blindly around the pit, using its wings to find balance. Slowly and awkwardly, the cub shuffles towards where Keda's legs dangle over the stone wall. Keda sucks in a sharp breath, her eyes unblinking as she watches the Fyre walk up to her. With its wings spread in what looks like a long-needed stretch, the cub leaps out of the pit swiftly, landing in Keda's arms. Though the Fyre takes up more than half of her petite stature, she easily carries the creature.
"He chose me." She breathes out with a soft laugh as the cub rubs its warming head along her jaw.
Vivienna quirks a brow. "He?"
Keda releases another soft, airy laugh."Yes, he. I think I will name him Kyre after my brother." She holds Kyre close, closing her eyes as they both relish the early stages of their bond. Valrye tilts her head, a brief, faint flash of admiration flashing through her bright, violet eyes.
"He's getting warmer now that his eyes are open," Keda says, her eyes wide in surprise.
"Remember what we practiced," Vivienna whispers, sending the words in a gust of wind so that only Keda can hear them.

"That's right. It's this way to the stream, little one." Keda leads Kyre away to the stream just as the rest of the cubs begin to open their eyes and migrate towards Vivienna, nuzzling their faces against her legs before they make their way to Hael, almost to the point of being entirely aflame as the group leads them to the stream.
When they reach the water, a group of Keepers and a few trainees await them. It seems that even Ambrosius and Valyn have come to help show the cubs around as well.
Or at least observe. Vivienna laughs as Valyn gets cozy on an exceptionally plush patch of sunny grass.
"The other Keepers and I can train from here, Mivesna," Theon tells Vivienna. Theon was the first Keeper besides Vivenna. Helping her and Hael care for the fyre since the first set.
"I'd like to offer my aid." Orion blurts just as Vivienna is about to thank Theon. "If you need, of course." He says in a lower tone.
"We always accept the help." Theon beams, gesturing for Orion to follow him.
" You have a fitting you must not be late for." Valrye reminds, giving Vivienna a sharp look. Vivienna lowers her gaze to match Valrye's look.
"Fitting before the first bell." Valrye orders, turning on her heels and disappearing into the Grove without another word. Valentyne dismisses himself on the pretense of having a class, leaving Vivienna and Hael to help care for the cubs.

After a few hours, the Willow's song becomes too much, and Vivienna gives in, allowing her feet to carry her into the Grove, her skin longing for the warmth from the sun's rays.

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