Chapter 15

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The second Julien's alarm went off on the bedside table, both Betty and Julien groaned. It was sort of early, but Julien needed to do some last-minute packing before heading to the airport.

Betty sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes. Julien had done the same thing. Both were a bit tired still.

"You can sleep for a bit longer if you want love." Julien suggested to Betty as she got out of bed and stretched.

Betty shook her head and got up too. She wasn't going to go back to sleep anyways. She wanted to spend every last minute she had with her girlfriend before she had to leave. Julien knew that Betty was going to be clingy this morning, and it was going to be difficult for the two of them.

Once the two were up, Julien made breakfast. Just a simple eggs and toast breakfast with some fruit on the side. As she stirred the eggs on the stove, Betty wrapped her arms around Juliens waist. She let her head rest on Julien shoulder which caused Julien to smile softly. She was going to miss this. Miss waking up with her lover and getting to make breakfast for her. She loved taking care of her girl.

Once breakfast was ready, the two sat down at the table next to one another. They ate while making small talk. It helped a bit with Betty's anxiety. She was still not ready for this, but she knew things would be okay.

After cleaning up from breakfast, Julien and Betty got dressed. It was quite warm out, so the two dressed appropriately for the weather. Once dressed, Betty helped Julien finish up her packing and go over her packing list to make sure she had everything.

When Julien grabbed her bags to take them down to the car, Betty had offered to help carry one.

"I've got it baby, they're heavy." Julien said softly.

Betty pouted a bit. She wanted to be helpful.

Julien laughed softly at her pout and leaned in to kiss the pout.

"I love you." Julien said softly.

Betty giggled softly and smiled.

"I love you too."

Pretty soon, the two were heading to the airport. They both stared out the window, each holding one another's hand. Julien was running her thumb over Betty's knuckles in a soothing manner. This was already hard, and Julien hadn't even left yet.

Once they got to the airport, Lucy and Phoebe were already there. They both looked a bit tired.

"You guys up late?" Julien asked Phoebe and Lucy with a laugh.

Both nodded.

"I need coffee." Phoebe said, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Me too." Lucy said.

Betty and Julien laughed softly. Betty was holding Julien's hand and laid her head on her shoulder as they stood there for a moment.

"You guys ready?" Lucy asked.

Julien and Phoebe nodded. Betty could feel her heart rip into two when she knew it was time to actually say goodbye.

Phoebe and Lucy gave Betty and Julien some space as they said their goodbyes.

"It's only a couple weeks baby, then we'll be with one another." Julien said softly as she brushed her fingers through Betty's hair.

Betty nods, trying not to cry as she looked at Julien.

Julien pulled Betty into a hug. She held her tightly to her body for a few moments before pulling away slightly to kiss her forehead and then her cheek.

Betty smiled a bit and the two shared a kiss before it was time to go.

Watching Julien walk away was one of the hardest things for Betty. It wasn't like it was years ago, but it still hurt.

Once back at the apartment, Betty sat on the bed clutching one of Julien's shirts to her chest. It smelled like her which made Betty's cry a bit as she held the shirt. Long distance was going to be so incredibly hard and it hadn't even been a day.

Later that day when Gracie got home from the studio, she went to check on Betty. She knew this was hard on Betty and wanted to make sure she was okay.

"Betty?" Gracie's soft voice said as she entered the bedroom carefully.

Betty glanced up from the bed, wiping away her tears.

Gracie gave her a sympathetic look before walking over. She opened her arms, carefully hugging Betty. This instantly made Betty cry again as she clutched Gracie's shirt.

"Shh, it's okay. Let it out. I'm here Betty." Gracie said as she let her friend cry into her shoulder.

It took a bit but Betty calmed down after a little.

"Feeling better?" Gracie asked softly.

Betty nods a little. "Sorry."

Gracie shook her head. "No, please don't apologize okay?"

Betty nods.

Later that night, the two sat on the couch sharing a pint of ice cream.

"I hate this already." Betty said.

Gracie nods. "I know Bee."

Betty sighs as she looked out the window at the rain that was coming down.

"I feel like I'm so attached to her." Betty says softly.

Gracie nods. "I know. And it's only natural that you feel that way. Especially since she's been living here."

Betty nods.

"I'm glad I have you."

Gracie smiled at her friend.

"And I'm glad to have you as well."

Gracie was definitely going to be her rock throughout this. And Betty was grateful for that.
Hey! I feel like it's been a while since I've updated. I swear life just feels so overwhelming and crazy all the time. I hope you guys liked the chapter and hope everyone's doing well.


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