Chapter 3

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Friday Night...

"Why can't you just go to the studio on a different day?" Betty asked Gracie as she sat on the end of Gracie's bed, watching her friend fix her hair in the mirror.

"I know. I'm sorry. But my producer wanted me to come in tonight. You'll be fine without me." Gracie said softly as she turned to look at Betty.

Gracie was being called into the studio last minute instead of going to Cory's gig with Betty like she planned to. As much as she wanted to skip going to the studio, her career had to come first.

Betty sighed. "I know. It's just going to be lonely. I don't know anyone besides Cory, and even then, he'll be in his own world."

Gracie gave her friend a sympathetic look. "You need to start making more friends Betty. It'll be good to branch out."

Betty nodded, picking at her cuticles. She struggled to make friends with others. Her social anxiety and trust issues got in the way of trying to build connections with new people.

Gracie walked over to Betty, and she took her hands into her own, squeezing them. "I know it's hard, but I believe in you. You're going to have fun tonight." Gracie gave Betty a small smile which Betty returned.

"Okay, okay. But can you help me pick out an outfit? I'm too indecisive."

Gracie laughed and nodded. "Sure thing."

Betty and Gracie both walked into Betty's room, going to her closet. Betty watched as Gracie dug through her closet before pulling out a few articles of clothing. Gracie picked out a black dress, a thin pair of tights, and a black leather jacket. She tossed them to Betty before sitting down on Betty's bed.

Betty changed before looking at herself in the mirror. The dress was tight and hugged her curves. It was slightly low cut but wasn't enough to make Betty feel uncomfortable wearing it. It reached about mid-thigh.

"Okay, you are definitely wearing that." Gracie said as she got up from the bed to stand behind Betty in the mirror.

Betty smiled and admired the way the outfit looked on her. "You're the best."

Gracie laughed. "I know."

Betty giggled at her response.

"Wait, I have a necklace I want you to wear." Gracie said before leaving the room. When Gracie returned, she was holding a small gold necklace with a moon charm.

"It's beautiful Grace." Betty said softly as she pulled her hair up to allow Gracie to put it around her neck.

"This is my good luck charm to you." Gracie said with a smile, giving her friend a quick kiss on the cheek.

Betty giggled softly and put her hand over the moon charm. "Thank you, Gracie."

Gracie nodded with a smile. "What time did Cory say he'll be here?" She asked.

"7." Betty said, as she checked her phone. It was about 6:40.

"Promise you'll try and branch out and not just stand in the corner." Gracie said in a half-serious, half-joking tone.

Betty nodded with a soft laugh. "Yes, mom. I will branch out."

Gracie hit her friend's arm playfully. "I feel like I have to act like your mom sometimes."

Betty laughed. "Yet, you're younger than me."

Gracie laughed as well. "By like two months."

Betty shrugged, letting out another laugh before her phone buzzed. She checked it, seeing it was Cory letting her know he was here.

Rekindled Love~ Julien Baker🖤Where stories live. Discover now