First Act: 1

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First Act
The Silver Tree
Chapter 1

I hover over White Lily Cookie's corpse as the Silver Tree's sealing spell erodes

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I hover over White Lily Cookie's corpse as the Silver Tree's sealing spell erodes.

I never imagined that looking at a beautiful Cookie would make me guilty.

A lump rises in my throat as I mumble her name, "White Lily Cookie..." I'm sorry I let you face such a big burden alone.

A Beast punches the Silver Tree, shaking the Faerie Kingdom to its ground. With every punch, the vine shackles wrapped around the tree falter.

It's no good. The Silver Tree's situation is threatening the fates of the Faerie Kingdom and Earthbread. If the vine shackles aren't mended soon, it'll be too late for us.

Hell would descend to Earthbread.

And only White Lily herself can mend the sealing spell.

When I arrived at the Faerie Kingdom in search of White Lily, I met Elder Faerie and he told me everything that happened to her. According to him, he created the First Seal, then White Lily crumbled creating the Second Seal.

"Pure Vanilla Cookie, please step aside..." Elder Faerie's voice snaps me back to reality.

I step away by a few steps while he opens her casket delicately. "It would be the easiest to undo the magic... for the one who put it there in the first place," he says.

Once the casket is fully opened, I call out his name. "Elder Faerie," I say, and he turns to me. A sea of questions flood my mind:

Why is he reviving White Lily to fix the shackles when she crumbled from it?

Why can't Elder Faerie fix the shackles instead? He had the power to create the First Seal, and creating a seal requires every bit of Life Powder. Mending the shackles requires the same amount.

Yet, Elder Faerie is in front of me, still crispy and alive.

"Is something bothering you, Pure Vanilla?" Elder Faerie asks.

I open my mouth to ask him the questions flooding in my head, but I close it. "Never mind," I say. Looking for a way to cover up the silence, I add, "What must we do to wake her up?"

A Beast pounds the tree again with another punch. The Silver Tree's roots are embedded in the Faerie Kingdom, so the kingdom shakes with every pound along with the tree, similar to an earthquake.

Every time the kingdom shakes, nearly every Faerie turns to the Silver Tree with looks of horror. Elder Faerie does it as the punch makes an impact, and then he turns to me again shortly.

His face is serious. His face is filled with urgency.

He knows White Lily must wake up at this very second.

"To bring her back to life... it requires two things: Soul and Life. A powerful life force and the shattered pieces of her Light of Freedom, which holds her soul within."

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