chapter 12

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i woke up to the loud beeping of my alarm with a groan. i looked at the clock and sighed. i got only 30 minutes of sleep. i haven't been able to sleep lately because i've been getting scared. my phones been blowing up with more and more threating texts.

and they've been getting more...put together. i guess you can use.

"LA? really. that place is so polluted and disgusting. ever single person who lives there is made from sin. but i guess you fit in there."

i got that text from Diane. i decided today i'd talk to Grey about it.

hopefully it goes good.


"So, according to Carson, Vance is most likely located at a warehouse facility in South Gate at this address." Grey said as he pointed to the white bored which read *2311 bailey ave*

"All right, Detectives Wolfe and Vestri will stake it out with patrol units from that division, while you guys will head over to Bronson Estates, where Carson says Vance's girlfriend, Cesiah Olivo, lives." Grey began waking around handing out a photos of vance's girlfriend.

"But Carson doesn't know which apartment she lives in, so we'll have to do some knocking on doors." wolfe said.

"All right, listen up. This has the potential of being a very dangerous operation. Vance is a heavy hitter. He has a well-armed crew. So he won't go down easy. All right, watch each other's backs out there, and be careful."

everyone began leaving and once they cleared out; i turned to Tim.

"Hey, I'm so sorry about Isabel." i said.

"Yeah. Thanks. Go kit up our shop. Ask Mike for the Bradford Special." he said.

"What is that?"

"You'll see."


"Let's gear up. Got your backup piece?" Tim
asked as we stepped out the shop as Bishop, Lopez, and West stepped out of theirs.

"Uh, yeah, of course." i double check my ankle where my backup was strapped around it.
Tim then hands me a metal plate. "What's this?"

"Trauma plate for your vest. Little extra protection."

"Oh. Bradford Special. You really think we're gonna need this?" i asked as i unbuttoned the first half of my shirt and sild the plate down.

"You know why they call this place the Bronson Estates?" he asked as he did the same.

"'Cause a guy named Bronson built it?"

"No. Back when you were in short pants, there was a movie called "Death Wish."
Starred Charles Bronson." Lopez said.

"Yeah. For a long time, responding to a call here meant that you had a death wish." Bishop added.

"But it's better now, right?" West asked.

"It's no longer the wild, wild west. Lots of low-income families live here. But it never hurts to be cautious." Lopez said.

Tim then bends down and gets something from the trunk. a large rifle.

of fucking course.

"Let's go." he said.

"A little extra shock and awe?" Lopez said.

"Damn straight."

"We're here to talk to people, not scare the hell out of them." Bishop said.

"Speak for yourself." he looked at us and sighed putting the rifle back. "All right." he said and shut the trunk. "Let's do this. This'll go faster if we split up. You all right riding solo?" he asked bishop.

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