trouble II

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Inside the class

"Uvogin, you're really not taking my class seriously are you?"

The teacher was really pissed but he didn't wanna show it

"Maybe it's because you're teaching skills really sucks"
He said not caring about anything at all while the whole class was just staring at him

"Sigh.. if it really comes to this then, I'll just "
He glanced at kurapika
"Kurapika, can you please tutor him after school "

Uvogin and kurapika both looked at the teacher in surprised

Uvogin: the hell! Why would you asked this tweek to tutor me!?

Kurapika: i could say the same thing about you and i would never EVER! Would wanna do that

Both glared at each other

The teacher just sighs seeing them act like this
(The bell rang)
"Alright class is over now" he said as he left
"you're lucky i went easy on you last time"
Uvogin said before he left

Kurapika was already very pissed right now but before he responded uvogin left the classroom

At the lunch break
"Kurapika, why do you look so mad today? Like.. you look really pissed"

Kurapika shrugged and didn't respond
"Is it about uvo?"
Pairo asked
"No it's not, and I'm fine I'm just.. not in a good mood today"

Leorio and pairo stare at kurapika then at each other not knowing what he's thinking

Meanwhile with uvogin and his friends

"Uvo, why do you look mad ugly today?"
Shalnark asked, he's obviously trying to piss him off

"The hell!?" Uvogin frowned

Phinks: well you do look upset about something man

Uvogin: it's nothing

Feitan was reading his book when then spoke
Feitan: he got beat up by someone

Uvogin was surprised on how he know, did he saw?

Uvogin: h-how do you know-

Feitan: probably, but I guess I'm right

Uvogin pov: this jerk

Chrollo looked in amused, this is the first time he heard uvogin got beaten up by someone
"Tell me Uvo, who's the guy? I'll help you beat him up for hurting my friend"

Uvogin was annoyed, he didn't want any help or sympathy but for some reason he just responded

"You know him, kurapika from our class"
"Kurapika? Who?"

"Ugh.. it's pointless, you don't even know him cuz you don't even attend classes"

Shalnark: you're one to talk, you're the same too..

Uvogin: shut up..!

The next day

Kurapika was walking his way to school he reached at the school campus but thought of relaxing under the shade of tree for a while as it was still early before the school starts

Uvogin was minding his own business before then he saw kurapika
"There.. that's kurapika"

Chrollo look at where he pointed
He still couldn't get a better look but thought to avenge his friend
"Alright, I'll be back. This is gonna be fun"

Shalnark and uvogin just watched from afar as he approached kurapika

Chrollo was behind kurapika now and tapped his shoulder, and spoke in a serious voice
"Hey you"

Kurapika turned back to see who might it be

Chrollo eyes widened, those beautiful doe eyes looking at him his blonde hair his hot lips very tempting.
He made sure to stare at his face much longer and loving it every second

"Did you need something?"
Kurapika break him from his day dream

Chrollo had a tint blush on his cheeks
As his eyes widened when he spoke

"Huh? Uhh.. um well"
Chrollo pov: damnit, uvo never said that it was a girl! And she's really cute! I can't beat her up

"J-just thought to come and say hey, i mean.. how can I ignore such a beautiful girl, how come I've nerver seen you around?"

His flirty side started coming

Kurapika stared at him with confused and blank look

"Yes.. you're really a goddess of this school, I'd like to.. know you better-"

"I'm a guy"
Kurapika cut off before he could finish his sentence

Chrollo paused for a minute then tilt his head
"Yes I'm a guy now leave me alone"

Chrollo just stare for a second before he shook his head
" O-oh then my apologies, but even so.. I'd still like to know you better~"

He leaned in closer to him but kurapika pushed him away
"You're wierd "

"Am I? Well I guess I am now "
Chrollo still having that blushing then brushing his hand on his hair upwards as he liked the way kurapika reacted, he didn't expect that and it was his first time someone rejected him but..

Even though chrollo knows kurapika is a guy now but for some reason he didn't want to give up on him, he stare as kurapika left and couldn't help but smirk

"Damn.. I've never blushed like this before, I literally made a fool of myself just now but it was worth it"

Meanwhile uvogin and shalnark

Uvogin: what is he doing there?

Shalnark: oh noo! Even chrollo has been took down by him


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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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