chapter 3: "We met again"

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" Gon? Hey gon! "
"Guess he went out again"(kurapika)

Killua pov:

Ughh... Just the day where I can't even go out with people surrounding me

(Few hours ago)

Hmm...... I wonder if there's new stocks of chocolate robots? I mean i kinda bought the whole stock two days ago..

*Whispers* "is that Killua Zoldyck"

"I bet,he looks more hott in person"

Killua looks around and saw bunch of girls whispering and staring at him

"It is him, Kya!!!!!"

What the hell??

(Present time)

*Sigh* all these people are just nuisance, better my day not be worst later

"Hey! Why don't you mind your own business,kid! "

Killua was walking his other way to the store when he heard some noise from the alleyway

Killua pov: is there a fight going on there
Killua couldn't help but eavesdrop the conversation

"I'm sorry, but trying to bully some one who has done nothing to you is not a nice thing to do"

Hmm.. why does it feels like I've heard that voice before, but I don't remember who or when?
Killua took a glance for a while,
And to his surprise

" Besides he's just a 13 year old kid, what do you have against him"

Killua notice the boy standing infront of the three tall guys defending the smaller one
The same short , spiky green hair, big hazel brown eyes
He stared at him for a moment but was then interrupted by one of the guy yelling
"Listen here you shorty!! You either mind your business and leave right now or you'll get beating too"

Wait are they going to beat him up?

"Hey, why don't you get going? You must be late for your school. "
Gon spoke in a soft voice to the kid behind him,
"Bu-but what bout you"
The kid was scared, He was never bullied by anyone before. He was also worried if gon gets hurt too since he was just helping him but now he got involved in this situation too

" It's okay, you don't have to worry about me just go or you might be late for your classes."

The kid shook his head and didn't want to leave Gon ,
Gon put his hand on the boy's shoulder and smiled at him
" Don't worry I can handle it, just go Kay you have to trust me, I'll be just fine."
The boy hesitated but then obeyed him and ran away from there

Wait what is he saying, don't tell me he's really gonna fight them? is he really in his right mind? There's no way he can win against three of them and besides he's short and fragile.

" Hey he's getting away!! Why this cocky brat, you think you'll get away with this? Now you'll pay for it"
Before the guy could even lay a hand on him killua threw a punch on the wall bringing everyone's attention

"Oh I'm sorry, did I interrupt some thing here?"
Killua asked giving them a dead glare and serious expression.

"Now what? Looks like we have another coustomer who wanna get bloody by us"

" Oh am I , guess I really am terrified"

"He's so full of himself" the other guy was too furious and tried to approach him when suddenly one of his friend stopped him
"Wait! I think I noticed this person"
The other two guys were confused and looked at Killua
" White hair, sapphire blue eyes."
"It is him he's Killua Zoldyck!! "

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