Chapter 6 The Laboratory

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The two would walk for a couple of hours eventually arriving at the mysterious location it was a mountain in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a small forest which again are surrounded by nothing but seemingly endless fields

Kobo Kanaeru
Strange how would anyone even notice if someone goes missing on a location like this?

No idea but the guild gets there informations from all across the land if something happens we always find out eventually

Kobo nods understanding and so they started exploring the forest looking for evidence but nothing was to be found anywhere and because of that they choose to instead climb up the mountain which on the other hand turned out to be just as pointless as both girls didn't get far but instead of giving up just yet they would go around the mountain looking for a spot where they could maybe get up but instead of that they found something else it was a stone wall that from a closer look looked out of place obviously made by a person instead of a natural formation and so Jinja would use some magic to destroy the fake wall reveling a secret tunnel into the mountain slowly the two would enter walking down into the cave until they would arrive in a hallowed out room cages filled with Takodachis and Ikadachis all around them and also a table with potions and a strange symbol glowing on the ground which made a silent yet threatening humming noise

Kobo Kanaeru
What is this place?

Looks like someone was studying Alchemy around here and they proably were there text subjects we should let them out and tell the guild about this they will know what to do

They would start freeing them before looking around the self made laboratory for more evidence but all they came across was one single letter

"The Tests turned out to be as disappointing as expacted these creatures are as unable to evolve as I was suspecting I made a couple tests and a handful turned out as rather deadly killers but yet again I could not recreate the same event from all these years ago but this will not stop me from trying these creatures on the other hand still turned out to be rather useful the dark energy in there body's might prove a theory of mine but this is just a theory so maybe don't take my word for it just yet I will see if my idea is more then a simple delusion soon enough"

Well This is something I will bring it to the guild master once we are back you did a Good Job Kobo thanks for your help

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