"Thank you, really," Sirius told her, getting back her attention. "But I don't want to miss school. I'm fine. And I promised already to go see Poppy if anything feels wrong,"

"I know, I know," she sighed but looked ready to keep insisting.

"Love, leave the boy alone," Fleamont walked in and kissed his wife's brow. "He'll be fine,"

He winked at Sirius and served himself a cup of tea while Mia kept loudly complaining about how every single one of them was wrong which had her husband shaking his head and the boys laughing. Laugh that abruptly stopped when she glared at them.

"So, Pads, any news on Morgan?" Remus asked Sirius while he stirred his coffee. Apparently being late would not stop the boy from indulging in his caffeine addiction. The other two boys pricked up their ears at the question.

Sirius shrugged and kept his eyes focused on his pancakes. "Last I saw her was on New Year's. She was asleep next to the sofa I was dying on and when I woke up again, she was gone,"

"Dying," James chuckled. "As long as you're not dramatic about it,"

"Well, he pretty much was, Prongs," Peter said with a bitter tone. "Dying,"

"Right," James clicked his tongue and without meeting Sirius' gaze, said. "I wrote to her but she didn't write back,"

"Same," Remus nodded and with his eyes narrowed down to slits, pointed a finger at Sirius. "What did you do?"

Sirius scoffed and batted his accusatory finger away. "Why do you think I did anything?"

"Because you usually do, Padfoot," Peter said matter of factly with a half-apologetic shrug of his shoulder.

"Well, this time, I didn't," he aggressively cut down his food. "We're good, she and I. For once in our lives. So it's not my fault she disappeared," he looked up and rolled his eyes. "Plus, it's been, what? Three days? You're being dramatic,"

"Right, because to you it's totally normal that she goes batshit crazy after what happened and then just takes off in the middle of the night and doesn't even write to see if you're dead or alive?" Remus shook his head. "I don't buy it. Something happened,"

"Well, maybe.." James intervened, sensing the growing annoyance in Sirius at being accused. "It has nothing to do with us. She told us she was really busy at her house, her parents and all,"

"That must be it," Sirius shrugged. "The Gaunts don't know what a vacation is, I'll tell you that,"

Not one of them bought that explanation. If Morgan had wanted to write to them or to hang out, she would've done it, her parents be damned. But Sirius didn't want to linger on it. They were probably right. Maybe it had something to do with him, but he didn't want to find out. He was good not knowing.

Euphemia cut their chat, which Sirius was thankful for, and told them to get ready to depart. The woman also made James bring Sirius' trunk down the stairs along with his own. Sirius only looked with a smirk as the boy struggled and almost fell because of how heavy the thing was. James practically threw it down the last few steps which had Sirius loudly complaining about it and James desperately telling him to shut it before Mia heard.

See, one good thing had come out of the whole ordeal. New ways to mess with James.

The Potters rushed them to gather in the living room. It was almost time for the train to leave but they still had a few minutes to spare. Minutes that were used to remind James and Sirius to win the next Quidditch match and to stop losing so many points. After all, the Potters were proud Gryffindors as well.

Memento Mori - Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now