Chapter 41

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January 3rd, 1976.

"I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouche! Scaramouche!"

"Will you do the fandango?"

"Thunderbolt and lightning
Very, very frightening me!"

"Galileo! Galileo!"

Sirius threw his pillow at them. A yelp was heard but that didn't stop them.

"Galileo! Galileo!"

"Shut the fuck up, little wankers!" Sirius yelled annoyed and his only response was the highest, ear-breaking sound of Remus' voice pretending to be Roger Taylor.

"Galileo, Figaro! Magnifi-"

"Oh, for the love of God, I'm going to murder you," Sirius tried to glare at his three friends but ended up falling off the bed when he opened his eyes and saw their three faces looming over him.

"Oh, God. Sirius get up before my Mother kills me for making you fall off the bed," James jumped over his mattress and tried to make him get up from the floor.

"You'd deserve it," Sirius mumbled while getting up.

James' parents had been fussing over him for the last few days and anyone that did anything to hurt Sirius was met with a lot of yelling and disappointed looks. It was hilarious. It also didn't bother him because even though he was much better, his body was still healing.

"So, how is our disowned and disgraced friend feeling?" Peter asked plummeting into Sirius' bed. Suddenly the four of them sitting on it.

"He is feeling great," Sirius rolled his eyes.

Remus went to dig a finger on Sirius' side which made the boy grimace. "See, I don't believe you,"

"Oh, bugger off. Just a few bruises here and there," he waved his hand and pointedly said. "I.Am.Fine,"

The three boys shared a look that silently called out his lie and Sirius, once again, threw his pillow at them.

"So, what's with the Bohemian Rhapsody rendition?" He asked in an attempt to change subjects.

"Oh, we're practicing," James shrugged. "For the show,"

Right. Valid. He was only mad they didn't include him.

"Anyway, Mia says breakfast is ready. Come on," Peter told them.

The four of them left Sirius' room and went downstairs. He saw a bucket of water outside his room and scowled. If singing didn't work, apparently they had a plan B. Arseholes.

It was the day they had to go back to Hogwarts, and even though the holidays had been fucked up in a lot of senses, he didn't regret any of it. The last two weeks had been the best days ever because he got to spend them with his friends like they'd never done before. Sure, he was kicked out of his family, but after a few days of processing it, he was more sure than ever that it was the best thing that could've happened to him. He'd take the torture and the pain any day if it meant things would end up the way they did.

The table in the kitchen was served and they had a quick breakfast because they were going to be late for the train.

"Sirius, darling," Mia sat down in front of him and gave him a worried look. "Are you sure you don't want me to write to Professor McGonagall? I can tell her you'll miss a few days and we'll take you to Hogwarts ourselves. You need to recover properly,"

"Mom, come on," James said as he hurriedly chewed a piece of toast. "He'll be fine. We'll make sure of it,"

"Yes, because you three are so gentle," she rolled her eyes.

Memento Mori - Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now