˗ˏˋ꒰𖦹。 seven ⋆°✰꒱ ˎˊ˗ ˎ

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Annie and I sit at a restaurant overlooking the french coast, I'm trying my best to act as normal as possible as to not ruin the surprise that the rest of our families are preparing.

"So when are you seeing Lando next?" she asks taking a sip of her coffee

"Well he said he was flying in today but I havent talked to him yet" I tell her and I can't help the little smile that creeps into my face.

"You really like him huh?" she teases

"I don't know" I say truthfully "I mean he's great but..."

"You're scared" she says, I nod "thats perfectly understandable given the situation" I know what she means, my past relationships, the way the media portrays me. "But if it matters at all, I think he's good for you, to you, and you've been friends for a while now"

"I was also friends with Elliot" I say

"Yes but that wasn't really a relationship was it?" I shake my head no "Exactly, just take it slow with Lando"

"yeah I plan on doing just that" I smile slightly and my phone rings "Speak of the devil"

"Answer the call I'm going to the loo be right back" she gets up and I accept the call

"I was starting to think you wouldn't pick up" he says

"Relax" I chuckle "It barely rung"

"Well it rung for too long" he jokes "Anyways i've landed in nice and I'm more than ready to see you"

"Don't you wanna... I don't know settle first?" I suggest

"Oh..." he says and I hear a bit of disappointment in his voice "I mean yeah we don't have to meet right now if you don't want I just..."

"Oh no no" I interrupt him "I didn't mean it like that I just thought maybe you were tired or something" I feel bad, my intention wasn't for him to feel like I didn't want to see him because frankly I cant wait to see him, and that's scary "I am on a bit of a mission right now but maybe you could help"

"What kind of mission are we talking about miss Scott?" he asks

"Okay don't say anything to anyone cause its a secret but I'm currently distracting Annie while everyone else sets up for Sean's proposal" I tell him and hear a gasp "Yeah"

"Holy shit" he says "Okay and how exactly can I help? wait are you sure I can come? I don't want to intrude in a family moment"

"No no dont worry" I tell him "Sean adores you, scratch that my whole family adores you" he laughs and I know it is because he knows it's true "How about you come hang out with us, have you had lunch yet?"

"Not yet" he says and I see Annie making her way back

"Well Annie is on her way back to the table, we're at a restaurant right now, just ordered drinks we can wait for you to come and we can eat together before we head back home" I say, Annie sitting back down

"Alright that sounds good send me the location and I'll be there" he agrees, we say our goodbyes and hang up

"Lando is joining us, it's that okay?" I ask her

"Oh absolutely!" she replies "I love Lando" I chuckle, like I said my entire family loves him

"Hello" i hear his voice before I see him, I look up from Annie's phone and then get up to greet him

"Hi"Ii say into his chest as we hug

"Hi Lando" Annie hugs him now and then we sit down to eat, I had ordered Lando's food as he had asked for in a text when I sent him the location

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