Chapter 1

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It would be an overstatement if Lucifer said that he wasn't exhausted. That's the word feeling the fallen angel has experienced for a long time. He may be tired but he was going to be there for his little girl. His sweet little apple pie, his Char Char, his little duckie. Lucifer could sacrifice a bit more of sanity for his girl. Another night went by without getting much sleep being plagued by the past, it was dawn and he could hear the hellbirds screams outside, meaning this short king had to get up for the day. After and quick shower and a change in his everyday suit.

He headed downstairs hoping to hear his darling girl's beautiful voice and that smile that would make the worst of evils go away. It surprised Lucifer when he didn't see his little duckling out in the kitchen attempting to make breakfast for everyone. Lucifer assumed that he was the only one up and he decided to make one of Charlie's favorite which would be his famous pancakes! Lucifer decided he couldn't waste any time on his and he got right to work. Trying to ignore the bad thoughts he has been having lately. Am I overstepping? Is she going to push me away again? Does she think I'm overbearing? Am I that embarrassing to her? Lucifer knew how happy his daughter was to have him back in her life. Stupid depression is making him overthink. He is trying to get better for Charlie. He was going to push those thoughts away and focus on breakfast.

While a certain Morningstar was working on breakfast the other one wasn't having the best time of her life like she had hoped of. Everything was supposed to be better now. Charlie was tired. She barely got any sleep last night her thoughts were getting the best of her. She couldn't let anyone know that she was struggling. Her girlfriend Vaggie who was lying right next to her slept peacefully. The princess decided to go ahead and get up and ready for the day. She had a lot to get to today. Her evil thoughts weren't going to get the best of her! No way! She was Princess Charlotte Morningstar! She decided to get a hot shower before starting her day.

While Charlie was in the shower, Vaggie slowly woke up feeling the bed was empty seeing that the other side of the bed was empty. Where her girlfriend should have been, hearing the shower answered all of the fallen angel's questions about where her girlfriend could have wandered off to. After the extermination, it would be a lie if Vaggie wasn't more concerned for her girlfriend. The exterminations always got to the princess and Vaggie would try her best to comfort her during those days. The idea that she could have lost her lover, the one who makes living in Hell look like paradise was terrifying to Vaggie.

The fallen angel decided to get up for the day. Vaggie walked into their shared bathroom that was connected to their bedroom. Like everything else in the rebuilt hotel, it was bigger than the original version. Charlie was drying her hair. The fallen angel walked up to her girlfriend wrapping her arms around her, planting a kiss on top of her head.

"Good Morning hun," Vaggie said softly.

"Good Morning," Charlie said back leaning into Vaggie. Maybe Vaggie was being paranoid but something was telling her that there was something wrong with her partner. Charlie has always been good a expressing her emotions to her, the fallen angel put this in the back of her mind for now.

"How are you doing?" Vaggie asked worriedly. Charlie shot up from the cushion that she was sitting on and unplugged the hair dryer. Charlie took Vaggie's hands into her own and smiled brightly at her.

"Everything is great! The hotel is rebuilt we are getting this back to normal! I'll see you downstairs!" Charlie said brightly as gave a kiss on her girlfriend's cheek. Charlie practically races out of their bedroom to go downstairs with other hotel residents. Vaggie sighed, something didn't seem right about this. Charlie was unusually energetic, she knew her girlfriend was filled with boundless amount energy and brightness. This was different it was like she forced herself to act this way, or Vaggie was just overthinking again. She tried to shake the feeling off.

Looking Through the GlassOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora