Chapter 1 ~ Navigating Change~Avery Bennett

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"We're so proud of you, sweetheart," Mom's voice resonated, filled with pride and a hint of sadness, enveloping me in a warm hug. I sensed her emotions through the tight embrace. Dad stood nearby, his expression a blend of pride and apprehension. "You're all grown up, my baby girl," he added, his voice thick with emotion as he hugged me tightly.

With a bittersweet smile, I bid my final farewells to my parents, knowing this moment marked the start of a new chapter in my life. As I descended the escalator, the weight of the moment settled in, mingling with excitement and a touch of nervousness.

While checking my email and scrolling through Instagram, I sought comfort in my routine, attempting to ease my flight anxiety. However, it was when I opened The Brampton Blizzards Instagram that a surge of excitement coursed through me. This was it—the opportunity I had worked so hard for. A chance to pursue my passion for photography on a professional level. I started cropping a photo of the team captain, adding edits to create an advertisement for their upcoming game against the Florida Panthers in a few days.

Photography has always been my passion. Landing a job as the social media manager and head photographer for the NHL felt like a dream come true. It had been a journey of hard work and dedication. From my days at Baylor University to the countless hours spent honing my dream.

Last year, I graduated from Baylor University, opting to stay close to my family and friends in Austin. During my time there, I served as Baylor's baseball team's social media organizer while pursuing a degree in marketing. Shortly after senior prom, I received an offer to work in Canada.

Throughout college, I chose a more conservative path, maintaining a small circle of friends and avoiding excessive partying. My love life was limited, and I prioritized academics over social popularity, opting to keep a low profile.

"We will be approaching Ontario in 15 minutes. Please prepare for landing," the loudspeaker announced. I closed my lap table and stowed my laptop in my backpack.

Moments later, we landed in snowy Ontario, a difference from Texas. Grabbing my luggage. Outside where the chilling air hit and a sleek black SUV awaited me.

Arriving at a towering glass building, I marveled at the start of this new chapter in a city far from everything familiar. Rolling my suitcase into the lobby, I approached the front desk.

"Hey, Avery Bennett here. I should be on the move-in list."

"Oh, Miss Bennett, it's a pleasure to meet you. You're on floor six, apartment 8F, and it seems you've already received mail," the receptionist informed me.

"Thank you," I replied with a smile.

As I made my way to the elevator, I sifted through the stack of mail I'd received upon arrival. Among bills and advertisements, a large light blue envelope caught my eye. With a flick, I eagerly ripped it open, revealing a "Welcome to Ontario" decorated with the Brampton Blizzards team logo. The package included stickers, a bracelet, and a pass for the game and team events. Another letter awaited me at the bottom—a black envelope indicating a preseason gala in just 2 1/2 hours.

Struggling with my keys to open the door, I found the apartment gorgeous but cluttered with boxes my belongings from Austin had been moved.

Amidst piles of clothes and empty boxes, I searched for my fancy attire and heels.

My phone vibrated, displaying Tara's name.


Tara, my college soul sister, always up for a good time, is volunteering in Africa for a month.

"The apartment is gorgeous, but I'm struggling to find an outfit for tonight's gala," I lamented.

"Lucky, I am stuck with all these freaking mosquitoes surrounding me," she replied, swatting at the air. Then, a thought struck her.

"How about you wear that tight red wine dress you wore to my graduation party? You know, the one that makes your curves pop," she suggested mischievously.

"Tara, you're crazy. It is my first impression at my first-ever job. Do you want me to get fired on the first night?" I sighed.

"So you wanna be single for the rest of your life? Is that what you're trying to tell me?" she teased.

"Yeah, Tara, I am going to find someone to hook up with at my first work event. Real professional," I retorted sarcastically.

"Come on, Av, you gotta live a little. Plus, those hockey players are pretty good-looking," she countered playfully.

I rolled my eyes, amused by her persistence.

Ending the call with Tara, I rushed to the bathroom for a quick shower, then proceeded to do my makeup. With time ticking, I still struggled to find my dresses, only to discover the red dress from Tara's graduation party.

As the clock struck 7 PM, panic set in. Had I made the right choice? Was the dress too flashy for a professional event? With determination, I slipped into the dress, feeling a rush of confidence.

Minutes later, armed with my credentials, I hurried out the door, excitement mingled with nervousness. It was the beginning of my new life in Canada, and I was determined to seize every opportunity that came my way.

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