Chapter 5

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Hearing this, You Bing stroked the dagger stuck in his belt, feeling a pity in his heart.
It's a pity that such a good child got this disease.

He walked out of the ward and said to the nurse: "From today on, Qing Longlong can move around freely."

The nurse was surprised: "What if he escapes, commits suicide, or hurts someone?"

"No." You Bing showed a confident smile: "His most important thing is still with me."

The nurse couldn't help but shudder when she saw their director's smile.

The dean has a good way of treating diseases. The dean is awesome!

Wake up from sleep.

Qing Longlong turned over and found that his limbs were no longer restrained.

He stood up and looked at the door. The door was open!

This is really strange!

Qing Longlong hurriedly got up, put on his shoes and walked out. When he reached the door, he stuck his head out and looked around.

No one, very quiet...

From the third floor to the first floor.
Qing Longlong even ran into the yard, and no one stopped him.

Even the nurse passing by just smiled at him.

Suddenly he heard a rhythmic snapping sound, which sounded like the crisp sound of flesh colliding...

Qing Longlong, whose mind was filled with pornographic stories, immediately lost his mind. What sound was there?

Isn't that just...

"Ha..." Another sneer came from behind the rockery.

Qing Longlong immediately cheered up, with this standard overbearing president's sneer!

He sneaked over there, wanting to see if anything bad was happening over there that would make the dragon shy.

Alas, I have always read about it in novels and comics, but this is the first time I have seen that kind of sex scene in real life.
This quite makes the dragon shy.

After bypassing the rockery, what Qing Longlong saw at a glance was not the bad R-rated scene he had imagined.

But a young man was slapping himself wildly!

Another young man stood next to him and sneered, his smile disdainful and indifferent.

Qing Longlong's rotten two-dimensional dragon brain instantly classified the two young men in front of him - little bitches! Big scum attack!

And he imagined a series of dramas about love and hate, and about getting what you want but not getting it!

After observing for a moment, Qing Longlong confirmed his idea. The little bastard must be trying to attract the attention of the big scum gong through self-abuse, but the big scum gong sneered contemptuously.

Oh, man, there's no point in doing that.
How can you be so cruel! Qing Longlong's liver ached from being tortured by the imaginary plot. He rushed over and grabbed the two hands of the little bitch: "Stop hitting! Stop hitting! You are already swollen like a steamed bun!"

He turned to look at the big scumbag angrily: "You are still not a human being! Are you just watching him abuse you! You can't abuse him even if you don't love him!"
The big scumbag sneered, not caring, and his eyes even contained mockery.

The little bitch struggled hard. When facing outsiders, his eyes revealed ferocity, and he seemed to be determined to torture himself.

Qing Longlong couldn't stand it anymore and simply let go of Xiao Jianshou's hand.
He slapped the big scumbag with a very fast backhand, and there was a snap.

Qing Longlong stamped his feet and shouted: "If you hit yourself again, I will hit him! See if you feel bad!"

Qing Longlong, who did not follow the routine, stunned the two people in front of him.

Especially the big scum attack!

The big scumbag covered his face and took two steps back. He looked at Qing Longlong in disbelief, then turned around and ran away!

Qing Longlong advised Xiao Jianshou: "Look, he has run away. Stop beating yourself."

Xiao Jianshou tremblingly slapped himself again, his eyes stubborn and insistent.
Qing Longlong was very sad: "Okay! Since you don't cherish yourself so much, today I will educate you on behalf of your parents and let you know what pain is!"

After saying that, Qing Longlong knocked down Xiao Jianshou with a sweep of his legs. He jumped on Xiao Jianshou and punched and kicked him.

He didn't stop until Xiao Jianshou put his head in his hands and groaned and stopped resisting.

"Are you still beating yourself now! Ah!?"
Xiao Jianshou held his head in his hands: "Oh..."

Like the belated arrival of the police in any shootout movie, the caregivers scurried over.

The two people were separated, each received an injection of sedative and then returned to the ward.

Qing Longlong screamed: "I have wronged Long! I have wronged Long! I want to encourage him to be himself again!"

Early the next morning.

The head nurse reports the patient's condition to You Bing...

"The symptoms of Dutt from 301 and Ren Er from 302 have changed."

You Bing raised his eyebrows: "If I remember correctly, Dutt suffered from visual and auditory hallucinations and mania. When he got sick, he slapped himself crazily and couldn't stop. Ren Er couldn't stop sneering when he got sick. Since these two people were admitted to the hospital, If we keep refusing to communicate, what changes can happen?”

The nurse said with a complex look: "Dute doesn't beat himself when he is sick now, he is just a little autistic. The good thing is that he won't hurt himself anymore. Ren'er doesn't smile either, and... he's still a little angry."

After that, the nurse told the story again about how Qing Longlong was sick and beat two people the day before.

You Bing showed interest on his face: "Xiao Qinglong's method is great. Why didn't I think of it before? Fight poison with poison, and fight violence with violence."

The nurse was speechless and quickly reminded: "This is inhumane, Dean, and the patient's family will never agree."

You Bing stood up and said with great interest: "I'll talk to the patient first."

You Bingxian came to Dutt's ward.
Dutt has a serious mental disorder, and when he is ill, he will slap himself uncontrollably.

When I am not sick, I am always on alert and do not communicate with anyone, so it is difficult to make progress in treatment.
You Bing used many methods, but they only made Dutt's illnesses less frequent.
At this moment, Dutt was no longer so vigilant. He sat on the small bench in the corner aggrievedly, like a homesick child.
You Bing squatted in front of Dut and asked softly: "What are you thinking about?"

Dutt seemed to have just noticed You Bing, his dull eyes moved to You Bing, and he hissed shakily: "Speak down, there is a mentally ill person outside who can beat people..."

Nurse in charge of recording:…
"Then what do you want to do?" You Bing's voice was softer.
Dutt thought for a while and replied sadly: "I want to be discharged from the hospital..."

You Bing smiled brightly and turned to look at the nurse: "Look, communication has become smoother."

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