Chapter 20

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As if he had found the answer, Zhang Chang smiled nonchalantly and waved his hand: "But it doesn't matter. I'm out of my mother's control. I feel much more relaxed now. It's good to live here. As long as I deal with my mother occasionally, If I give her some money from time to time, I can do what I love, and I don’t have to worry about her forcing me to do things I don’t like.”
Suddenly, Zhang Chang was stunned again: "That's not right. Since you haven't been detained...then why can't you even post?"
Qing Longlong collapsed, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, why are you making things so difficult for a dragon!
"Are you going to give Longfa or not?" Qing Longlong lost his temper.
Zhang Chang was startled: "Fah, let's go, let's go."
No longer asking questions, Zhang Chang quickly called up the posting options, and then handed the phone to Qing Longlong: "Here, post anonymously. I have filled in the above topics for you. How do you prove that you are a person in a mental hospital?" Normal people, then you fill in the following content yourself, post it after filling it out, and occasionally click here to refresh, that's all, that..."
He carefully observed Qing Longlong's expression and said tentatively: "I saw the door number of my ward. I'm going to make the bed and tidy up first. I'll leave my phone with you first. You can use it first and give it to me after you're done...?" "
Qing Longlong frowned: "How do you want Long to fill in the words?"
Zhang Chang showed a surprised expression. After two seconds, he put away the questions he was filled with: "Just click here to speak. The phone will automatically convert the voice into text. If the word is wrong, just delete it and say it again. As long as the words are pronounced clearly, it usually won't Something went terribly wrong.”
Seeing that Qing Longlong had nothing else to ask, Zhang Chang hugged the bed sheets and left with doubts. Before entering the ward, he looked back at the young man who was happily holding his cell phone. He was... really an intern. ?
Why do you act like a child who grew up in an ivory tower? I don’t even understand the basic operations of a mobile phone.
Here Qing Longlong held his cell phone and tried to say a few words. The translation was not only correct but also thoughtfully added punctuation marks. Qing Longlong seemed to have found a treasure and hurriedly got back to his ward.
Not long after, such a post appeared online.
Subject: I am a green dragon! Now locked up in a mental hospital! How can I prove that I am a normal dragon! ? urgent! Waiting online! !
First floor: hhhh I’m laughing to death. Now that mental hospitals are so developed, do they even provide patients with internet access?
Second floor: Give up the question, because your self-awareness of character will never come out of a mental hospital...
Third floor: What! ? Qinglong? Can I make a wish? ? ?
Questioner: Reply to the third floor. You can make a wish, but the dragon has now lost all its mana and cannot fulfill your wish. Unless you can help the dragon get its reverse scale and restore its mana, then gold and silver will not be a problem.
Fourth floor: I, Qin Shihuang, make money!
Fifth floor: The subject of the question is mentally ill, identification completed!
Sixth floor: Live beauty dealers deal cards online, Macau casino welcomes you, [half-exposed breasts.jpg] [stockings and long legs.jpg] [enchanting figure.jpg]
Sixth Floor: Come on, let it go. What's the point of watching a mentally ill person surfing the Internet? If you have the time, why don't you just look at the person advertising upstairs. At least you can get some pornographic pictures.
Subject: Ouch! The dragon is really a normal dragon! Why doesn't anyone believe you?
Seventh Floor: The Sixth Floor is too much. How can you tease a mentally ill person like this! Do you know that you should love and care for people with disabilities? You must have the most basic compassion as a human being!
Eighth floor: hhhhhh The murderous and heart-breaking thing is talking about upstairs.
Subject: Wow, oh, oh, you guys are bullying the dragon too much!
Ninth Floor: Don’t panic! Questioner, let me teach you! First of all, you have to change the way you speak, you have to convince yourself that you are a person, not a dragon, change the way you call yourself, and stop calling yourself a dragon! Then eat and drink as you should, don't do anything a dragon would do, do what a human should do. After a while the doctor may think you have become normal and release you from the hospital.
Tenth floor: Do you really know what you are doing upstairs? You're teaching a mentally ill person how to escape from a mental hospital! Please tell me which mental hospital the subject of the question is from!
Eleventh floor: The tenth floor is too serious. If you look at any mental hospital that connects patients to the Internet, I guess the questioner is a liar.
Questioner: Thank you, Ninth Floor. You are the only one who answered seriously. If everything goes well, I will certainly not forget to repay you when the dragon returns to Nilin!
Floor 12: ...The questioner should pay attention to who he is!
Qing Longlong turned off his phone and took a deep breath with a serious face.
From today on, Long will try his best to pretend to be a human being!
Qing Longlong returned the phone to Zhang Chang. In order to express his gratitude, he also gave Zhang Chang two oranges.
In order to fulfill his promise to take care of Zhang Chang, he also took Zhang Chang to the cafeteria for dinner.
Just halfway through eating, You Bing came over with a dinner plate and sat next to Qing Longlong.
"You two get along well?" He looked at Zhang Chang: "What do you think of the environment here?"
Zhang Chang was in a good mood and said with a smile on his face: "It feels similar to when I was in college. People come and go and eat in the cafeteria. I am still in a single dormitory."
Although...this kind of life is worth half a million.
Zhang Chang suddenly felt... was he at a bit of a loss?
You Bing nodded: "Just get used to it, and there are two things to note. Don't go up to the fourth floor. There are severe patients who cannot control themselves. Don't go to the back mountain. There are patients in the back mountain who need to rest quietly. You can go anywhere else. Shopping, there are no limits.”
At this time, Qing Longlong tugged on You Bing's sleeve.
You Bing turned around and saw that the little green dragon was bringing over a big orange with a friendly expression on his face: "Dean, you eat it."
You Bing slowly raised his eyebrows, trying to show his courtesy for nothing... He was either a traitor or a thief!
What is this little green dragon planning?
Seeing that You Bing didn't answer, Qing Longlong asked hesitantly: "Shall I help you open it?"
Zhang Chang, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but smile when he saw it: "You interns seem to be quite young, but you do know how to care about people. You stayed with me all afternoon and he told me everything. He also specifically told me when we were serving food just now." Which of my dishes is delicious?"
"Really..." The smile that had been hanging on You Bing's face faded. He took a deep look at Qing Longlong, his eyes moved between the two, and then took away Qing Longlong's big orange. .
You Bing said while picking up oranges: "Actually, Qing Longlong is not mine..."
"Hey! Dean! It's wrong for you to pick the oranges like this. You should pick them from here..."
Qing Longlong suddenly interrupted You Bing's words. He grabbed You Bing's hand and taught You Bing how to pick oranges with a simple expression.
At least that's what it looks like on the surface.
But under the table, You Bing's feet were stepped on twice by Qing Longlong!
You Bing's face turned completely cold and he looked sideways at Qing Longlong, his eyes filled with indescribable emotions.

I am a Dragon [MTL]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ