Chapter 2

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Sincere sat at a local library, reading a story to a bunch of soon to be first graders. There was a summer camp at the library that wasn't too far from her and Que's home and they had a program where people could come and help out at the summer camp. She had found about the program and had decided to come volunteer. This was her second day, and she was loving it so far. The kids were so well mannered and sweet.

When the story was over, the kids went outside to the playground. While they went to play, Sincere and a few other volunteers began setting up lunch for them. Today they were having cheese pizza and chips. They'd decided to do no meat on the pizza since they knew how picky little kids could be.

"Your ring is gorgeous." Mia, one of the volunteers complimented Sincere.

"Thanks." Sincere smiled.

"How long have you been married?" The girl questioned, trying to make conversation.

"Three months, we're newlyweds." Sincere smiled. 


"Yeah." Sincere smiled, pulling out her phone and showing her a photo of her and Que on their honeymoon in Jamaica.

"Oh, he's fi- nice looking." The girl corrected herself.

"Yeah, and he's all mine." Sincere gave her a fake smile. 

"I didn't mean any harm."

"Oh, I know." Sincere laughed.

A few minutes later the kids came back inside and began eating lunch. While the kids ate lunch the librarian Mrs. Porter, had a talk with the volunteers.

"As you all know, career day is coming up next week. If you all know someone that would be interested and coming to talk to the kids that would be great. We're going to have all of the age groups here which are 5-12 and they're going to be in groups. 5-8 year olds will be in a group and 9-12 year olds will be in a group. I would like at least five people to come and talk to each group."

"I can see if my husband can come talk to the older group. He works in engineering." Sincere offered. 

"That would be great." Mrs. Porter smiled.

Sincere stayed at the library for another hour before heading home. When she arrived, Que was in the garage putting together some equipment for their at home gym. Que had decided that he wanted to build an at home gym because it would be more convenient.

"Hey." Sincere smiled as she shut and locked the door behind her.

"Hey." Que spoke, standing up and greeting her with a kiss.

"I thought you were supposed to be relaxing on your off day?" Sincere smirked. Que had taken the day off because he'd had a doctors and dentist appointment today.

"I was, but I wasn't doing anything, so I decided to start knocking some of this stuff out. But I think I'm done for the day."

"Good, come in the house, I need to ask you something."

Once in the house, Que grabbed a cold water from the fridge and took a seat on one of the bar stools under their island bar. "What do you need to ask me?" He questioned curiously.

"They're having career day at the library for the kids, and I think it would be great for you to come and talk to them."

"Just give me a date and time and I'll see if I can come." Sincere smiled.

"When I have all that information, I'll let you know." Sincere made her way over to him, standing in between his legs. "Thank you." She smiled. Que waved her off, coming to talk some kids on career day was nothing.

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