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Alastor's POV

One does not expect to leave a battlefield completely unscathed, especially going into a fight with a bunch of bloodthirsty exorcists and their psychopath of a leader, but still, Alastor could had been more careful, he knew that and he despised himself for it.

The plan was simple, really, have Charlie and her friends lead the battle and guide the people of cannibal town to distract the exorcists meanwhile Alastor kills Adam, causing all the angels to retreat without their leader. They were fast and strong, but not clever strategists, they just followed their leader without thinking twice (who himself was not the brightest strategist either, his most complex battle tactic was slaughtering the first demon fucker who looked at him the wrong way).

Distract the angels, kill Adam, save the Hotel.

simple, really.

So when did it all go to shit?

Alastor did not expect one thing: how tough of a challenge Adam would be.

With one swing of his guitar-axe made of angelic steel, Adam slashed Alastor in the chest, forcing him to retreat before Adam could strike again and end his life. In that moment Alastor only thought about saving himself, not realizing someone else would have to deal with Adam. Alastor felt an unmeasurable amount of pain, but the wound the angel caused was more to his ego than to his body. Alastor hid inside his broadcast tower at the Hotel, hearing the screams and the clashes of the battle that was still going on, his breath was heavy and the blood was starting to drip, he was at the most miserable than he had ever been in his entire life.

But what now? He is not in the condition of resuming the battle and he couldn't hide forever, the exorcists would eventually find him and he was in no shape to take them on. He did not even wield an angelic weapon, he really stood no chance.

And even if by some miracle the exorcists or even Adam himself could not find him to finish the job, he couldn't remain in that place, his wounds needed to be treated or else he would die for the severe blood loss. Good that no one was around to see him, because at the moment he was actually afraid. The sounds of weapons clashing and bullets firing became more audible as the battle started to get more intense, no doubt Alastor's sudden disappearance threw a massive wrench in the plan, forcing the others to change their battle tactic now that Adam was free to slaughter anyone who felt like an easy target to his angelic laser.

A part of Alastor was content in dying this way, killed by the leader of the exterminators himself. No doubt he would be remembered for years, but how he would be remembered is what he was most concerned with.

Did he really want the Radio Demon to be remembered as an altruist who heroically sacrificed himself to save his "friends" just months after joining an Hotel all about redemption? He who slaughtered people in the most painful and excruciating way possible while laughing?

The only thought of that sent shivers down his spine

Where to go, tho?

Alastor had known many people in the course of his afterlife, but none of them were to be trusted, that was not really their fault tho, as Alastor basically trusted no one, he spent his entire mortal life having to constantly watch behind his back, and now in his afterlife it became necessary, as he was constantly targeted by anyone foolish enough to attempt to kill him and take all his powers from him.

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