Leviathan (The School of Bermuda)

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(Character from The School of Bermuda : https://www.wattpad.com/story/359083187-the-school-of-bermuda-volume-1-the-hunter%27s )

What do you exactly know about dragons? Not much I imagine. Imaginary creatures, fire-breathing beasts that have only ever existed in tales. You are really far from the truth. In fact, nothing of what you believe is true. First, there is not only one type of dragon, and they don't all breathe fire. Or at least, not the same fire. Dragons are very real, my friend. Do you doubt my word? Really? Ah, these humans... even with evidence right under their noses, they never believe anything. Why are you trembling if you don't believe it? You are not as sure of yourself anymore, are you? You must surely be wondering, "why does this man have horns and a tail? And his yellow eyes? And his blue skin?" (laugh, not sadistic, just amused) Do you still think it's just a disguise? Aaah, I know... you think dragons are huge giant lizards? For that, you're not entirely wrong. But, even though it's not perfect, taking human form is child's play. Why? It's true that we can't really blend in with the crowd since we still have some draconic attributes. It's a long story, but I'll tell you. You know, dragons are as old as the world. They coexisted with the dinosaurs and the first humans. Just as we are immortal, although we are not invincible. But we have not always been able to take human form. You humans, you can remember your ancestors through stories, whether they are told in the form of a song or a book. Dragons are not supposed to die... Therefore, when a dragon dies, its memory is then transmitted to all the other dragons, wherever they are. As if they had all lived his life. As if we were just one being.

Now, tell me, why would an immortal creature need a reproductive system? You won't find any she-dragon. It does not exist. However, your darned ancestors felt compelled to constantly compare their strength to ours. And what I don't understand is that they were rather effective. Do you know where our deadly reputation comes from? Five. There were only five dragons left in the entire world. Can you imagine? Imagine the terror that my kind felt when they realized this aberration? No... of course not, you can't imagine it.

We had to find a solution. A reproductive system, but how and with whom? We were the biggest creatures in this world. That's where it started. In my mind, images of burned villages and the sound of echoing screams pass... You know that phoenixes don't exist? They were invented by your species, inspired by this part of our history.

The word dragon, according to humans, would come from the Greek "drakôn," which means "to watch." Tss! Seriously, where did you get that? "To watch"? I don't understand why we would be named like that... Well, in truth, it's a distortion of a completely different word. Dragons have their own language, you know? But it's far too complicated for humans. However, "Dägõrn" is the word we use to refer to ourselves. It means "born of the ashes."

No, not the ashes of the villages. Not even of their inhabitants. These attacks were only meant to capture a young woman. A virgin, more precisely. The problem is that humans rushed to attack as soon as they saw us and it ended in bloodbath. These girls... these poor innocent girls, often very young, too young to wish us harm... we made them burn alive on a stone altar at the back of our den. The great cavern filled with screams... so many screams... you have no idea how lucky you are not to have to live the memories of your ancestors. Considering all their killing, I dare not imagine your mental state with all that...

From the ashes of these girls, a new dragon was born. Right on target, I was also born in this way. I am not as old as one might think. My father raised me by teaching me this technique. Unlike you, we do not seek to be numerous enough to suffocate the world. We had established rules, a limit to the dragon population. Firstly, because we are larger than you, we take up more space, and also to avoid being too easily spotted. If one dragon died, another had to be born. My father died quite early... I was still a rather young dragon. You know, for an immortal creature, we are still considered a child at one hundred years. Ah no, you don't know. That's right, one hundred years is your maximum (teasing). 

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