Day eye, night eye

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(Based on a cat I owned long ago who really had thoses eyes. it's called anisocoria)

Have you ever wondered why cats can see in the dark? Why them? Why not us, or dogs? I know it's so that in nature, they can hunt at night, but in that case, why don't all creatures have this ability? I'm sure our prehistoric ancestors would have survived more easily if they could see in the dark.

I've always had cats, and when I was little, I used to think I wanted to be one. But not anymore.

When I moved in alone, I couldn't bear to live without cats, having always had their company. Luckily, my new neighbor's female cat was expecting kittens. She had placed an ad in the building's lobby. When I went to see her, she said that for the moment, no one was interested. They hadn't been born yet, but she wanted to make sure they would all be placed. I didn't tell her at that moment, but I had already decided to adopt them all if no one wanted them. And that's exactly what happened.

There were only three kittens, and I took them as soon as they were weaned. They are all adorable. Among them, there is Luna. I named her that after a comment from a little girl in the neighborhood, whom I met in the stairwell on the day I took them. She said to her mother, 

"Look, mommy! Kittens! This one has one eye for the day and one eye for the night!"

I then looked down at Luna to observe her, and indeed, her right eye had a thin, vertical pupil, typical of cats. But the pupil on the left was completely dilated. To the point that you couldn't even see her yellow iris. It was a bit scary, in a way.

I then returned home and put their collars on. They were identical. Three black cats. I had bought three different-colored collars to tell them apart, but Luna was perfectly recognizable without them.

They quickly adapted to my apartment and were very clean. But Luna had a strange behavior. She was very affectionate, but sometimes she would leap in a direction, hissing and growling, with her fur standing on end on her back. Yet there was nothing there. It is often said that cats see things we don't, like ghosts. And believe me, I am very down-to-earth and I don't believe in such things. But after seeing her do that regularly, often around me, I began to be afraid. What if she really saw something?

I then decided to buy a thermal camera and placed it in my office. Luna always stayed close to me, looking around as if she were trying to protect me. So I knew that if I wanted to capture what she saw, I had to keep her close to me.

As often, in the afternoon, Luna was sleeping on my lap. Well, I say she was sleeping, but her eyes were open and her gaze was quickly scanning the entire room, as if she were following a fly. I learned to ignore it.

Then suddenly, she threw herself to the ground, back arched, fur standing on end, hissing and growling in the direction of a wall. I just watched her. It lasted a few minutes before she finally sat down, calmer, looked around, then came back to my lap. I stayed still for a moment. I tried to find an explanation without necessarily having to look at the camera. I was afraid to look.

I finally retrieved it and watched the footage. I will never forget what I saw. First, the colored shapes of my other two cats, who were sleeping nearby, and of course, mine. After a while with no other movement than my hands typing on the keyboard, a warm color seemed to come out of the wall. The shape was perfectly distinguishable... but clearly not human. My ceiling was quite low, and the thing was so big that its long legs, or paws, were bent, and its back was hunched. Its thin arms almost touched the ground, and its head seemed to form a muzzle so large that it could have taken my head off with a single bite. The moment it fully appeared on the image was the exact moment when Luna threw herself to the ground, growling. And, you can imagine, she was growling at that thing. The invisible monster seemed to cower, retreated, and disappeared back into the wall, frightened by my brave little cat. My other cats didn't react. Only Luna protected me. I thought that the other two might love me less... until I had the idea to put the camera in my bedroom.

The first thing I did when I got up was to watch the recording. I then saw the three cats hissing and growling at several of these monsters, to prevent them from approaching my bed. That's when I understood. Cats only see these things at night. But Luna is special. She sees them constantly thanks to her very particular eyes. Cats are not diabolical, as some claim. They are our protectors. Our guardian angels. They prevent these things from harming us. After all, haven't studies shown that cat owners live longer?

I don't know what these monsters are, or what they do to us exactly... but they only want to harm us, that's for sure...

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