I Have A Dream (More Like a Nightmare)

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Finally! Here! Here's your chappie!

If I do some grammar errors tell me in the comments!

I Don't own Percy Jackson and others. (Credits to Uncle Rick!)

Grisea's P.O.V.

I was running through a forest, a big forest, and I heard leaves rustling. I was carrying a little kid  on my shoulders, whose weight I would say was around 7 years old. Suddenly I found myself on a bridge.

 Whatever I was running from, it appeared out of the shadows of the night, usually I would have run as fast as the wind, but when I saw the creature I knew I would be dead before I finished crossing that bridge. So instead I ran to a hole in the ground and left the now crying kid there, reassuring him that everything would be okay and reccomanding him not to make any noise until I returned. As I stood up I felt myself shaking with tiredness, I've probably haven't slept from three days, only staying up thanks to coffe.

 In those moments I studied the creature I was about to kill, it was a gigantic black dog with blood red eyes and large sharp teeth. With a simple flick of my wrist a sword appeared in my hands. The sword was long and wide and the color of rain clouds, I charged at that creature and in one fluid motion stabbed it. The dog collapsed to the ground, lifeless, and dissolved into a thick gray fog.

I sighed in relief as I put my sword away and a smell hit my nose 'Monsters' I thought, I turned only to find an entire pack of werewolves growling at me. I panicked, desperately trying to find a way to keep their attention away from the little kid that was in that dirty hole waiting for me to come and carry him to his new home I talked him about.

A humanoid figure got forward and stepped into the light and an evil grin spread across his face "Well, well, if it isn't Lupa's deformed wolf" he said, my eyes lit up with anger "Lycaon" I growled "It's a pleasure to meet you, but honestly I would have been better off without it" I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm

I re-summoned my sword but soon I realised that that lycaon's minions where too many for me, especially counting that I didn't sleep in a few days and I just took down a hellhound.

So I did a really logical thing: I ran to the hole and took the kid in my arms... And jumped off the bridge.

I woke up under a tree.

It got me one minute to return to reality.

That was only a dream.

Lycaon, the god of werewolves didn't exist.

And I was still a homeless girl in Manhattan.

Well, at least I had my friends...

Word count: 460 🧾

That's it! a little short but good right?


Whatever, another one will come!

Love you all! BYE!

- TheDaughterOfLupa 🐺

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 20 ⏰

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