Chapter 10: Deep Freeze

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The day before Christmas

Leni yawned and raised her sleep mask off her eyes. Lisa was curled up next to her, her glasses on the nightstand. She looked over to the other bed and saw Lola with Lana, for some reason covered in pink snow clothes.

She then remembered and felt a sudden wave of worry and anxiety. She nudged at Lisa until she finally woke.

"Uh... good morning Leni," Lisa yawned as she sat up.

"Should we check on Lana?"

Lisa looked at Lana as she reached for her glasses. She put them on and squinted at her. "No, I do not think so. Her breathing is still stable. However, I will be staying here with her until I am relieved by someone else."

"Okay. I'm going to take Lola down with me, do you want me to bring you something?"

"Any sustenance will do." Leni got off the bed and stepped into her seafoam green sandals. She walked over to the other bed where Lola was asleep cuddling Lana like a large teddy bear. She slowly pulled at her until her grasp on Lana loosened enough for her to lift Lola up.

"W-what," Lola murmured as she woke up. "It's just me Lola. I'm taking you downstairs for breakfast."

"But Lana-,"

"Is being watched by Lisa," Leni said as she walked into the hallway. "She's in good care." At the elevator bank the rest of her siblings were standing around.

"Morning Leni," Luan called out. "How's Lana doing?"

"Lisa said she was good, though she's still going to be watching her. Why are you all still up here?"

"We wanted to wait until everyone was coming. Or at least who was coming," Lucy said as she pressed the call button. "Mom's going to be watching Lana so it's just us." The doors to the elevator opened and they all stepped in.

The elevator descended to the ground floor. The doors opened and they began walking to the diner. As they went along Leni started to feel on edge. The place was well lit and the art deco design gave the halls a welcoming look but still something felt wrong.

They passed the bare Christmas Tree and walked into the diner. At the table their breakfast was set out. She set Lola down on her chair before taking her own seat. It was a simple bowl of oatmeal at all the spots. She looked around for Dad but couldn't find him.

"Hey, has anyone seen Dad?" Luan asked.


"I'll go check the kitchen," Lynn said. She stood up and took her oatmeal with her and walked over to the kitchen. She nudged the door to the kitchen open and peered inside. "He ain't in here."

Weird. If he wasn't down here, then where could he be? She'd just go look for her after breakfast. And after bringing up breakfast to Lisa. And Mom. And looking after Lola. Actually, finding Dad could wait.

She turned to look at Lola. "Hey Lola, do you want to have a tea party later?"

"Yeah, that would be nice."

"Glad to hear. I'm going to bring breakfast upstairs to Lisa and Mom and then I'll be down." She stood up and started to walk away before stopping. "Oh, and make sure you're not left alone and with someone." She then continued, grabbing two bowls and spoons before leaving.

Rita watched Lana from the chair in the corner of the room, holding an empty bowl that was her breakfast. She had woken up alone that morning and from what she had heard from the kids Lynn still couldn't be found.

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