Anne-Marie- Orion and the Dark

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Name- Anne-Marie (I haven't thought of a last name for her)

Age: 11

Personality: very nerdy, sometimes hyper, hyper-intelligent, verbose, nervous, anxious, awkward, not very good at socializing with anyone outside of her friend circle

Appearance: Long black hair either left down or put into a messy bun, a teal, puffy sleeved dress with a small white collar on the top, white starry leggings, and big brown boots. An alternate outfit she also wears is a red jacket with a teal short-sleeved shirt underneath it, and jean shorts with lavender starry leggings underneath them. She still wears her big brown boots.

● She's a huge science lover, and a sucker for astronomy, which is why she is so beloved by the night entities.

● She has the HUGEST crush of ALL TIME on Orion. She finds everything about him great and adorable, despite what others may say.

(Orion secretly likes her too, but he just doesn't want to tell anyone out of fear they might make fun of him. WOW, HOW OUT OF CHARACTER.)

● She's just a nerd in general

● She lives with her two mothers and her grandmother, and she is part French because of her second mother. Her grandma is her second mother's mom.

● She, like Orion, has many fears and anxieties, mostly about school, so instead of  having a sketchbook like Orion does, she keeps a diary and records all of her thoughts in it. She does draw a lot on the pages, often of what she's thinking of or how she's feeling.

● Anne-Marie draws really, really good! Not artist level, obviously, but surprisingly good for a 5th grader. She draws pretty but cartoonish drawings. I don't know how to explain it.

● she's had whole sketches of her and Orion doing cute stuff, and she hides them away in a box in her closet labeled "DO NOT OPEN AT ANY COSTS!!!!"

● she blushes like a tomato whenever she sees him, even from the back. Whenever she sees anyone that even REMOTELY looks like him, she blushes before realizing that that's not him.

● like I said, she's best friends with the night entities, and Dark and Sweet Dreams are like parental figures to her. You could say that Sleep, Unexplained Noises, and Quiet are the aunts and Insomnia is the uncle. They're all very protective of her and would immediately go to her defense in any hypothetical argument.

● Anne-Marie sometimes curses in French. Never around her moms, though.

● Ritchie Panici likes Anne-Marie, and she tries to avoid him at all costs, but he makes sure she sees him at least more than once a day. He knows that Anne has a crush on Orion (and that Orion likes her too), and ever since he learned, he's been harder on Orion. Orion's never told Anne-Marie because he doesn't want her to think it's her fault.

● btw, if you were wondering by any chance, she's straight. I don't think she could envision herself falling for anyone else other than Orion.

● Whenever she has long tangents where she talks about Orion, or if she talks about anything else she deems specifically embarrassing, she writes all her thoughts in French so that if anyone ever does find the diary, no one would know what she's talking about (unless they were taking French classes, or if they were actually French).

● she's also autistic + ADHD

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