New Beginnings

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Annastacia stepped off the bus and took in the unfamiliar scenery of suburban America surrounding her new high school. Everything from the manicured lawns to the strip mall down the street appeared so different compared to the colorful chaos of Kingston she left behind.

She adjusted the strap of her bag and strode confidently up the front steps, already drawing curious glances from students loitering outside. Annastacia smiled inwardly, familiar with the effect her looks tended to have. Though her cinnamon skin and curves hinted at her Jamaican heritage, she had been told more than once that exotics was not the first word that came to mind. There was an elegance, a sophistication to her features that seemed to entrance onlookers, whether back home or here.

Inside the main office, Annastacia greeted the receptionist with her most dazzling smile. "I'm the new student, Annastacia Barrett. I was told to check in."

Within minutes, she had been issued her class schedule and a map of the school. As she made her way to homeroom, Annastacia peered at the doors and lockers, scanning for anything or anyone that could prove useful. Potential allies to ingratiate, rivals to outmaneuver, teachers who may require... incentivizing. This was just another game board to master, and she intended to exit on top, as always.

When she slipped into her first period unnoticed, Annastacia took a moment to catalogue her new classmates. The preppy jocks, gossiping cheerleaders, artsy outsiders - they all followed such predictable archetypes. But one girl in particular caught her eye.

Two rows over, a brown-skinned beauty sat engrossed in a book, strands of curly hair escaping her ponytail in a way that somehow looked purposeful. She wore a simplicity to her outfit that spoke of confidence in one's looks without needing embellishment. Intrigued, Annastacia studied Yasmin, filing her away for future assessment. She had a feeling this one warranted... exploring.

By lunchtime, word of the sexy new Caribbean import had spread like wildfire through the student grapevine. Annastacia accepted the invitations and flirtations thrown her way judiciously, parceling out hints of charm but sharing no true pieces of herself. Let them project their fantasies upon this enigmatic newcomer, for now. She moved like a social chessmaster, three steps ahead in manipulating the board.

It was in the crowded cafeteria that Annastacia made her first truly purposeful move. Scanning for Yasmin, she spotted her sitting alone, immersed once more in a novel as she nibbled at an apple. With calculated nonchalance, Annastacia sauntered over and slid gracefully into the seat across from her startled subject of interest.

"That book any good?" Annastacia inquired with a tinge of amusement, cocking her head in a way she knew was cute. "I'm Annastacia, new here. Mind if I sit?"

Yasmin swallowed, suddenly self-conscious under that mesmerizing gaze. "Yasmin. And you're welcome to stay." A small smile played at her lips, inviting yet guarded, and Annastacia found herself wishing to dismantle those defenses piece by tempting piece. At long last, the games had begun in earnest.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 12 ⏰

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Desire or LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ