Part 2

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It- he nuzzled my hand and moved to a flat area of obsidian before chipping away at it.

"Hey what're you doing little guy?"

No answer.

Once a big enough hole was formed Weasel crawled into it.

Then something crazy happened.

Dozens of claws burst from around the edge of the hole thingy and curled inward to form a tight shell like door similar to my hands.

"What in Kami's name is going on here?" I gape.

The claws open to reveal a black red foggy portal.

How I know it's a portal I don't know, I gather my things and step closer, carefully stepping up to the edge.

"You want me to go down here? What's down there?"

Weasel chitters.



"Eh, good enough for me" I step off the edge, letting myself fall.

Mere moments later I come out and fly out of a mirror portal into a place if black fog and no light in any direction.

I land feet first onto the ground, my claws digging in to keep me steady.

I get the feeling of being watched and go to lift my foot.

My foot doesn't move.

I try ripping my foot up, my leg refuses to take action.

"Uh... Hello? Who-whoever's watching me... I don't know what's going on but I'd like some form of explanation"

I hear footsteps and the grinding of stones coming from ahead.

Then a familiar face appeared from the fog.

It was my own...

Or rather the face I have when I take my other form.

Or rather the face I have when I take my other form

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"Your..." I trail off.

"You. I'm the copy of your mind our Quirk created to control our Quirk and it's more... Volatile abilities from coming out" The other me said, changing into a clear copy of me. "Of course, by that I mean this place, and what it can do. As well as learn what it's supposed to be used for. Other than a storage area"

I feel a wave of embarrassment come over me at that.

"But- our Quirk created you? How damn complicated is our Quirk if it's created a literal copy of me to solely learn everything it can do?"

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