Chapter 3

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Sister Jane ran out the printing room that was next to the fountain in the hallway

"Holy mother Mary!" she said with a youthful panicked expression, "go back to class right now Natalie and I'll call the police" she spoke and ran the office telling the other nuns, I did as she told and bolted to the classroom, I pushed the door open and almost fell to the ground

Standing frozen by the classroom door, I felt the world spin out of control around me. The sight of Becky's lifeless body seared into my consciousness, haunting me with its stark finality. My breath caught in my throat, choking on the horror of the scene before me. Every heartbeat pounded in my ears like a drum of dread, each pulse a painful reminder of the nightmare unfolding in front of my eyes.

My mind, once sharp and focused, now dissolved into a whirlpool of confusion and despair. Reality warped and twisted, the edges of my vision blurring into a haze of unreality. I clutched the doorframe for support, my fingers digging into the wood as if to anchor myself in a world gone mad.

Tears streamed down my face unchecked, hot and bitter against my skin. Each sob tore through me like a knife, ripping apart the fragile façade of composure I had struggled to maintain. I wanted to scream, to rage against the injustice of it all, but no sound escaped my lips save for choked gasps of anguish.

Time ceased to have meaning as I stood there, trapped in a nightmare from which I could not wake. The weight of grief pressed down on me like a leaden shroud, suffocating me with its crushing embrace. In that moment, all I could do was surrender to the darkness that threatened to consume me whole.

Sister Margaret crouched down to me and placed a hand over my shoulder

"what has happened?!"

"Becky, she's..."
"Pissing?" Malachi interrupts

"SHE'S BEEN MURDERD BY THE FOUNTAIN!" my words stumble out like a drunk man trying to walk in a straight line to prove he's sober

Malachi regretted his comedic words the second he heard 'murdered' and his skin flushed to pale, his brunette hair waving over his eyes

Gabriel, Becky's twin brother, stared at the ground "what do you mean, murdered" he said as his teeth grind together

"SHE'S DEAD, GONE, MORTE,HOMICIDIUM, SHE'S BEEN BLOODY MURDERED GABRIEL" I said fiercely, Gabriel stood up and ran out the classroom as sister Margaret ran after him, it was just me and my dumbass class...oh that rhymed

Chloe and Jade ran towards me and dropped to the ground while pulling me into there arms.

Becky has always been there, ever since I could remember I did not want to lose her, she's like a sister to me. Picturing her deceased body that looked as if it came from Brooklyn nine-nine, I didn't know what to do.

Most people in my class stood up trying to look through some of the glass on the walls to try and see her body, other sat on their desks panicking

Malachi came over to me and crouched down, I expected him to say something stupid like 'how gory was it' with that dumb-jerky smile he does, or maybe 'did you stab her?' but no, all he said was

"I'm sorry Natalie, I didn't know she'd been murdered, I thought that you just caught her pissing in the gross ass toilet" he whispered loud enough for me to hear

All muscles in my body said 'hit him' but my heart and delicate mind say 'forgive him'

I agree on forgiving him and what I mean is I grabbed his hand and shook it

"Don't be a dick or I'll have the lock ness monster on you' I say through tears and a with a smirk "deal" he says and lightly shakes my hand as if it was weightless, in that moment the bell made an ear bursting screech signalling that everyone in the building needs to evacuate, we only had 50 seconds to do so, we always had 50 seconds to leave a building as it was 'procedure' why not 60? who bloody knows I didn't make the school system, the schools been around since 1881 and the rules sort have stayed the same.

Everyone ran down the longer hallway to avoid seeing the dead body of Becky, All the others were Infront of us, Malachi was holding my hand and dragging me out the building


we were outside, all the students who weren't in the class were halfway across the street with the nuns, you see every none in the school is terrified to death of dead bodies so they left as well, they haven't even called the police

I latched onto the gate as the realisation hit. They left and we were stranded in a school


we didn't make it and we were trapped inside the school with a decomposing body in the middle of the building and a police station 5 hours away from us..

Jesus bloody Christ this is going to be hell

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