Monday, June 3rd

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It seems the longest winter of my life is finally coming to an end. 

It's true that thinking of you still leaves me feeling cold sometimes, but when that happens, I do my best to erase the memory of our parting from my mind. Instead, I look back on happier times, and only then does the ice in my heart melt away.

But apart from those fond memories, there is someone else in my life now that keeps me warm. 

You remember Marie, the woman I fell in love with? Whenever I spoke to you in my mind trying to catch some sleep inside my cramped apartment in Brussels, I often told you stories about her. I also prayed you'd help me find my way back to her somehow, when the time is right.

You heard me, didn't you? You heard my prayer. I know because I felt you beside me as I walked to the airport that day. I heard your voice fondly saying I've always looked good in blue. Somewhere in my imagination, I even held your hand and saw you smile. In my heart, I knew you were giving me your blessing.

I've found her, omani. We now live together in a small house here in Bali, where it feels like summer all year round. I used the money I saved from my old jobs so I could be with her, just like I promised. You don't know how relieved I am to know that even if we hadn't seen or spoken to each other much in a year, her feelings for me still haven't changed.

She still loves me, and I feel the same for her.

The place I'm working at now is a small family restaurant that's a short walk away from the resort where Marie works. It's great because I get to take her to work in the morning and walk with her back home at night. Walking hand in hand with her is one of my favorite things to do. We'd sometimes play little games on the way. Sometimes Marie sings. One time we were able to rescue a little kitten that got caught in between a fence and some bushes. Every day is a tiny new adventure.

I wish you could have known her, omani. She could be stubborn and we butt heads sometimes, but I like that she knows when to stand up for herself and when to apologize when she's wrong. She can't cook, but she's very good at keeping our house clean. She has the most beautiful smile and the prettiest laugh—my favorite sound in the universe. I think you would have loved her.

Life doesn't feel so cold now that Marie is around. We're going to live a good life so I could honor my promise to you every day. Please look after us from where you are.


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