"You can't get away from me. I'll never let you get away from me." Then he adds, softly as if he's afraid he'll spooke me. "You know that."

It's my turn to clench my jaw, grinding my teeth until I hear crunching under the force, only do I relax my jaw.

"I did last time. I managed to run twice." I say in defence.

A chortle runs free from his lips. "Oh, Sweetheart, my sweet girl." He shakes his head, still chuckling.

Heat burns my ears and cheeks. In a quick move, I pump his length, watching as he jumps up, growling under his breath.

Jungkook regain himself quickly, looking at me with soft calculated eyes. The way he watches me messes with my head, there's pool of lust swarming his otherwise mute eyes, and there's wetness on my thighs.

"Take me in your mouth, baby. Show me how good you can make me feel." He coos, using the words he knows that'll get him what he wants.

I'm drunk on the way he watches me, not once looking away as I lean down, taking a tentative lick from his crown where I see a bead of his pre cream leaking. Jungkook curses, his chest quickening it's up and down as his breathing turns heavy in Matter of seconds. But I'm not done, I stick my tongue out and take a long lick of him, from the base to his head.

He writhes, shaking in my hands as I come up, licking my lips.

"Baby," he's full on begging. "Please—oh" 

I grip his shaft and raise on my knees to slick him with my wetness as I rub him over my folds, effortlessly ending his sentence in a thighs-clenching moan.

I've never seen him so unguarded, open. It's making me feel proud to have his control to weep in the corner. To lower his walls even an inch. It's a progress.

I let go of him, he cries out in refusal as I sit back on his thighs, carefully avoiding his erection.

"Let's get back to work," I say, a little breathless.

Jungkook glares at me with his misty eyes, a pinch between his brows.

I smile. What a better way to fuel the anger.

But as I voice out my next question, the one that been eating me from inside, my smile dissipates. "What about your family?"

Jungkook eyes glazes, as if remembering something then I watch in trance as a curtain falls over it covering whatever has passed through them.

He recovered so fast that I question if I have imagined it.

"None." he says roughly, the tone of his voice Sharper than before. He seems more on edge as I observe him.

His straight-faced mask twitches my eye.

"You've to stop lying to my face. everytime." I pause, blowing out a breath. When I talk, my voice is softer, calmer. "I can't help you like this." I implore.

Jungkook eyes flares with burning intensity I'm afraid I'll catch on fire. "You can't fix me." he bites out, each word spitting out with force that drives me speechless.

I don't see anything to be fixed.

I think.

I run my eyes thoroughly over his features. The vein pulsing in his forehead. the way his face and the tips of his ears reddens when angered. Also how he raises an inch every time I say or do something he dislikes like he wants to disengage himself from the restraints even it comes with ripping his hands and feets.

Above all I notice how his eyes bounces nervously over the room, stopping only for a second in one place before roaming. How his teeth chatters, and how every now and then a flash of vulnerability surface on his face.

SALVATION | Yandere - J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now