6. Mavi

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Another dirty chapter <3 Slightly less dirty than last times. But I just wrote something because it's been too long!!

It was because of the navy blue dress.

At least that's what Kaya had told himself. More than once. It was because of the perfect way it suited her, hugging her slim figure like a second skin. It was because of the way the rich navy blue color made her skin look even smoother, making her thighs even more irresistible to touch. It was because of the amazing way it covered the luscious curve of her ass, molded her hips and revealed her knees.

He couldn't keep his eyes off of Suna the whole damn evening. Not while he was talking to Ferit, or rather, Ferit talking to him, not while his mother was talking about the people she calls their 'family', not even for a second. He simply kept staring, unable to look away and unsuccessfully trying to push all naughty thoughts in his mind away as he felt his pants getting tighter and tighter.

Kaya wasn't sure if she noticed though, and either way, he doubted he could last the whole dinner without telling her. Or showing her. No, he was absolutely sure he couldn't last the whole dinner keeping his hands to himself. And there was no point in denying that.

Suna mentioned it earlier that day, how she bought something new for Seyran and Ferit's dinner party, but the moment Kaya actually saw her wearing it, he literally had to clench his teeth firmly together to stop his jaw from dropping. She looked beautiful. She was always so damn beautiful.


Suna wasn't exactly surprised at how quickly supplies of alcohol in Seyran's kitchen ran out. Especially considering more than twenty people there and a big reason for celebration like moving into their own house, it really wasn't a surprise. To the contrary.

That was probably the reason she found herself down in the wine cellar. She was trailing her gaze over the shelves, trying to decide which bottle to pick, when she heard how the door behind her opened and closed with the squeaky sound, assuming it was Seyran, who probably got tired and annoyed of waiting for her older sister to come back to the party upstairs with more wine.

Instinctively turning her head to apologize, the words she was about to say died in her throat and the corner of her lips curved up into a grinning smile when she caught the sight of Kaya leaning against the wooden door and staring at her. She loved that about him so much. She loved and took a huge pride and delight in that honest fact. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her.

"What do you think? Chardonnay?" she casually asked a little shyly, lowering the bottle of white wine she'd already taken in her hands on the polished countertop in front of her.

Instead of answering, Kaya crossed the short distance between them, settling his hands firmly around her waist and putting his chin on her shoulder. He nuzzled his head against hers and when he spoke, his voice low and deep, it sent a shiver down her spine, "Whatever you want..."

Kaya felt his breath, long and warm, ghost over her skin, before a few wet neck kisses followed. She let out a soft laugh and arched her neck, resting her head against his shoulder.

"Have I already told you how amazing you look in this dress?" Kaya whispered into her skin, his grip around her body tightening. Even though she couldn't see the smug smile on his lips, she was very aware it was there. It always was. She also hadn't failed to recognize the very familiar way his eyes darkened or the lustful threads within his voice. "You look so beautiful, Suna."

Feeling her cheeks blush at his words, Suna slid her hands over his arms and smirked, "I thought you'd like it."

"I really, really like it." Kaya stated, slowly emphasizing his words. "And I really like the fact of you thinking about me while putting it on." he ended his sentence with a light bite on her flushed cheek, pulling her back even more into him and pressing his hard erection into her.

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