4. Attitude

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Here is a slutty chapters for all of my sluts <3

You sighed, you huffed, you made any possible sound that would be able to relieve your stress, but nothing helped. Any attempt to feel better was in vain, so for a week or so you ignored the throbbing pain in your head and the high-pitched ringing that echoed in your ears. You didn't want to talk to anyone but you still couldn't ignore the voices of those around you, so you forced yourself to answer. 

Maybe it was family, your marriage, your studies, you had no idea but something was eating away at your head like a brain-eating parasyte. Stress is a natural feeling of not being able to cope with specific demands and events, however, in your case, stress had become a chronic and routine condition that dragged you down.

It's not like your drastic change of mood went unnoticed, but most people preferred to ignore it rather than ask you what was happening. This was not the case with Kaya, who with each dry response hinted more what might be going through your head.

You lifted your computer screen to find hundreds of words that you didn't care to understand, but still had to read. You weren't willing to continue working, your head hurt from the lack of sleep, but the lacerating brightness of the screen dried out your eyes and made you hold your head up. It wasn't really late, but the very frustration you felt had begun to bring you insomnia, which made your sleeping hours shorter and you felt tired all day. 

Every night you lay down on the bed and closed your eyes trying to be lulled into a deep sleep, but your mind kept burning with prodigious overwhelming thoughts that not even mortal exhaustion could calm down.

You didn't pay much attention to Kaya coming from the kitchen, who was now approaching you with a plate in his hand. He extended his arm and shoved a poorly assembled sandwich in your face, inviting you to eat, even with its lack of visual appeal what mattered was the intention.

"I made you this." he blurrted.

"I'm not hungry." you replied, looking out of the corner of your eye, still not completely looking up from the screen in front of you.

"But you need to eat." and he wasn't wrong, no matter how much work you had or how much stress you were feeling you couldn't deprive yourself of food. He put the plate directly in front of your eyes but you pushed it away with one hand.

"I said I'm not hungry." you said, serious.

"What is your problem, Suna? You've been acting like this the whole week."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You don't even answer when someone asks you something, and if you do you answer like a bitch. You complain about everything but you don't let anyone help you, you're tired all day and you don't approach anyone, not even me, do I keep going?

"Do you think I like acting like this? Do you think I choose to do it?"

"Stop being so defensive, I just want to help you."

"How do you expect me to not be defensive when you act like an asshole? I don't want your help, I want you to leave me alone. It's always about you, always about how you help everyone and how you want to make everyone feel better. I don't need your help, you cannot help everyone." you snapped at him, face completely red and jaw clenched due to how angry you were.

Kaya just looked at you dead in your eyes. Normally you could decipher what he wanted to tell you just by looking at his expressions, but this time you couldn't read his face. You couldn't even guess his reaction through such empty eyes. He stepped back and dropped the plate next to you, ready to turn around and leave. "Talk to me when you get your shit together."

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