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Despite being a somewhat swampy territory, Empathy Marsh was filled with luscious flowers and luminescent trees that would light up a barrage of bright colors when the sun went down. Upon arrival, Blue peered along the ground as she exited the vehicle, noticing the vast variety of wild flora in the somewhat dimly lit region, the sun blocked out by the tall trees with droopy branches. She took a deep breath, absorbing the air around her and taking in the sweet fragrance of the area.

"This place is beautiful," Blue said, feeling amazed, "I'm surprised I haven't been here before."

"I've been here a thousand times," Henry stated bluntly as he and Artemis followed behind her, "It's nice and all, but the people here, they're a bit too nice for my taste."

"What's wrong with people being nice?" Artemis asked, "I think it's good to have friendly faces in communities."

"You wouldn't be saying that if you lived with them 24/7," Henry muttered.

"What was that?" Artemis asked.

"Nothing?" Henry replied nervously. Blue turned to him, hoping he would have answers as to where to find clues.

"So, is there like a village or somewhere that we can get clues as to what is happening?" Blue asked.

"Yes, there is just north of here, but if we can, let's try to avoid it," Henry explained, refusing to go into detail further as to why.

"You're hiding something, aren't you?" Artemis suspected with a raised eyebrow, before turning towards excitement, "Let's go to the village then!" Henry groaned as the goat monster and Blue marched forward, not too thrilled on the idea of going somewhere he willingly despised as he followed behind them.

The village they arrived at was relatively small in scale, even when compared to standard villages, consisting of only a few humble wood cottages and one small market. Despite this, the village was thriving, complimentary with the smiles worn by the Sympathian Star Fairies. Blue and the others walked along the dirt path, ironically dry for the environment they were in, as they searched for clues as to what happened. Henry looked back, left and right, on edge and afraid to get spotted by the other Star Fairies. Blue glanced forward towards the marketplace, seeing a familiar face buying stuff from the shop. The woman's long brown hair and tall structure had to be none other than Celios herself. Though her reasons for being in the area were enigmatic to the princess.

"What would Celios be doing here?" Blue asked herself out loud, "And even stranger, at a market." Henry gulped as they headed towards that direction.

"Do we really have to meet up with Celios?" he asked nervously, "I mean, we might find more information from other people here, like Tammy Two-Wings." Artemis raised his eyebrow once again.

"I thought Tammy Two-Wings lived in Sympathia Sea," he reminded, "I don't know what your deal is, but you're coming with me." He then harshly grabbed Henry's hand and ran over to Celios, much to the green Star Fairy's dismay, Blue following close behind them.

"Hey Celios," Artemis greeted, "I don't think we've properly talked with each other before, but it's really nice seeing you here. We came searching for clues on an attack that happened here recently."

"I already know the full story," Celios replied, "I got all the information from these two shop owners." Henry turned towards the shop keepers, chills running up his spine as he instantly recognized the two of them. The male and female Sympathian Star Fairies that he locked eyes with were none other than two people he had tried to avoid after reaching a certain point in his life. The woman wore an old dress that appeared to be made from stitched fabric, accompanied by her green hair put up into one large bun. The man complimented the woman by wearing a damaged old shirt and jeans with a massive hole in the knee, along with wearing a pair of round glasses and missing one of his wings.

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