Choosing A Path

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It was now night and everyone from the White Lotus sat at the table with Korra and Tenzin, Korra frowned with worry as she asked the older man.

"So how long until you're ready to teach me airbending? A week? A month?"

Tenzin stared at Korra with a slight sadness in his eyes as he told her softly.

"It could be much longer."

Korra looked at the White Lotus and then to Tenzin as she rested her arms on the table as she questioned the Airbender.

"I don't understand why are you making me wait?"

"I have a responsibility to Republic City. I'm one of its leaders and the situation there is very unstable right now." Tenzin explained to not only Korra but the White Lotus as well.

"But you have a responsibility to teach me. Believe me I'd be happy to find another airbending master but you and Sora are the only ones." Korra said with sadness and disappointment.

Korra gripped her arms trying to calm herself down as she looked at the table then to Tenzin as she went on to say.

"We're stuck with each other."

"I wish there was another but with Sora busy helping the police and the armed forces and myself with public relations." Tenzin sighed out as he looked at Korra with apologetic eyes.

It was silent for a few minutes at the table before Korra's eyes brightened as she looked at Tenzin with an excited grin on her face as she suggested.

"Wait there is. If you and Sora can't stay here then I'll go back to Republic City with you. It's perfect."

Sora had walked into the room after helping her mother settle down Meelo and Ikki for a moment, her ears perked up with the suggestion Korra had put out there. Her gray eyes looked at the other girl with excitement and eagerness, ready to teach the girl everything there is to know about airbending and more. That's when her eyes snapped to the water nation old man as he exclaimed with disagreement.

"Absolutely not! The city is far too dangerous, Avatar Aang tasked us with keeping you safe while you mastered the four elements."

Before anyone could speak up and voice their concerns about the suggestion Korra made, Sora stood behind her as she said with her arms crossed over chest.

"I understand that my grandfather, Avatar Aang, tasked you with keeping her safe and you've done a fantastic job so far. But there is a difference between keeping her safe and shielding her from the world."

Tenzin stared in shock at what his daughter just said as Korra tilted her head back to look at the older girl with wide blue eyes. Korra had never heard someone tell the White Lotus that except for Katara and Mara, so to hear that from someone else who hasn't been by her side all her life gave her a warm feeling inside her stomach.

"I know it's difficult to accept but it's not the right time for you to come to the city." Tenzin said sternly to Korra before sending a small glare at his daughter.

"Whatever." Korra grumbled out as she stood up and walked past the older girl and out the door.

Tenzin and the water tribe man let out a sigh at this. Sora stared at the White Lotus group and then her father before she cleared her throat, they turned to look at the teenager in the room and she took that as her cue to say what's on her mind.

"The Avatar is meant to lead the four nations together in harmony and be a bridge to the spiritual realm and ours. How is she supposed to do that when she's locked away here with no one around but the White Lotus? You are setting her up for failure."

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