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"I've got three sopophorus plants. I'm certain the condition is perfectly swamp like in that corner of my green house, but they look worse every week. I'm worried the dung I ordered isn't actually mooncalf, or at the very least was collected after sunrise. I'm not sure how to test it to be certain."

"You could always fertilize devil's snare with it. If it shriveled and died, you would know for sure that it was actual mooncalf." The man whom she recognized from Hogwarts but could not for the life of her remember his name, explains to her between sips of wine.

"Yes, you're right. I don't have access to any, though. If I did, my daughter would—"

"LORNA AND TEDDY!" Molly's voice booms over the crowd, causing both Danu and the man she was speaking with to jump.

"I'll be right back." Danu offers an apologetic smile and half runs towards the spot where Molly had Teddy and Lorna both clamped on the back of the necks.

"What are you doing?" Danu demands as she glares down at Lorna, who looks up at her sheepishly through her long lashes. "I told you not twenty minutes ago to stop being a menace, and to stop letting Ron and George talk you into doing things that you know you are not allowed to do! Now, come with me."

Danu places her hand on Lorna's shoulder and pulls her towards her before turning and offering Molly yet another apology. Molly grabs Teddy by the ear and drags him along with her, her face red and sweaty from shouting at everyone in sight. Once back on the far end of the tent, Danu sits Lorna down in a chair by her side and turns her attention back towards the man she had previously been speaking to.

"Sorry about that, Ron and George enjoy riling them up."

"It's quite alright." The man offers with a kind smile as he accepts a refill of wine from Harry as he staggers towards them clutching a bottle in each fist.

Ron had shown up to the wedding drunk, much to everyone's surprise. Harry was massively hungover, and quickly became just as drunk as Ron had been. Ron stumbled inside and passed out drunk halfway off of the sofa the moment he had been deemed a husband, and the party picked up from there. Shortly before dinner was to be served, Harry and George drug him from the house and thrust a bottle of Firewhisky in his fist; Ron got a second wind and was soon standing on a table belting the lyrics to You Charmed the Heart Right Out of Me by Celestina Warbeck at the top of his lungs while pointing at, and making aggressive eye contact with Hermione, who was beet red and furious at his behavior.

"Nev—hiccup—Neville...Neville Longbottom. You are a fine man." Ron offers as he nearly trips over his own feet, ultimately falling into the arms of the man whom Danu had been speaking to. At least now she knew his name. "I am so sorry Hermione stunned you that one time, but you see...Oh Danu, Danu, Danu. You are far too pretty for that git of a prof—profes—"

"RONALD BILLIUS WEASLEY!" Molly shouts from behind them, forcing Ron to jump before slowly turning to face his mother.

"You're in trouble." Harry laughs as he claps Ron on the shoulder and staggers off in the opposite direction. A flash of red out of her peripheral catches her eye as she watches Harry stumble away, but she thinks nothing of it.

"I thought the kids were bad." Danu chuckles as Neville brushes his suit jacket with a napkin, apparently Ron or Harry one had spilled wine on him.


Everyone freezes a moment, the sound jolting even the drunkest attendee's. Danu turns her head sharply to find Lorna fidgeting on the chair, eager to get up and join whatever mayhem Teddy was causing. She peaks up at her mother out of the corner of her eye, catches her watching, and forces her eyes back down at her feet dangling from the chair.

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