"Hey mum, hey dad" said Harry in a shaky voice. "It's me, Harry. I'm sorry I couldn't come visit you before, but I'm here now. I want you to know that all the people responsible for your deaths have been dealt with. I hope that makes you happy."

Gripping Sirius's hand tighter, he continued. "I hope you two are proud of me. I've worked really hard to get where I am right now. Dad, I think you would be happy that I made it to the Ravenclaw Quidditch team! I'm the seeker, and I've never failed to win us a match. Sirius keeps saying that I would have been the bane of your existence were you still the Gryffindor Chaser" he said, chuckling lightly.

"I'm doing well in school as well, Mum. I'm the top student, just like you were. Professor Slughorn can't help but say how much I've inherited your talent in Potions, and I think he's right. You really were a genius, mum, and I'm so proud to have been born as your son."

Harry hastily wiped the tears from his eyes. "You both would be happy to know that I have a girl in my life as well. Her name is Daphne Greengrass, and you have loved her, mum. Dad, if you had seen her, I know you would have been so proud of me. She's so incredibly beautiful, and you couldn't have resisted showing off saying that your son is engaged to her. She has a mean temper, dad, just like mum did. It's something we both have to deal with, huh?" he asked, as he tried to smile.

After several seconds of silence, he began crying again. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what happened to you. You both willingly sacrificed your lives for me, and I'm incredibly grateful for that. But I'm sorry that I caused you so much trouble. I'm sorry for not having the chance to be at your funeral and carry out my duties as your son" he wailed, while Sirius hugged him tightly. "But I want you guys to know how much I love you. I think of you both every day, and I am so proud and honoured to have been born as your son. I won't let you down. I love you mum, dad, and I'll never forget how much you loved me too."

After a few minutes, Harry calmed down. Once done, Sirius helped him up.

"Do you want to visit the house as well?" he asked.

"No" said Harry stiffly. "I know that it has been turned into a monument to my parents, but I have other plans. I'll get the best wizarding architects and designers to renovate the house and turn it into a monument dedicated to all the victims of the Voldemort war. There are several more that have to be remembered besides my parents. I'll also ensure that people who visit the place know the full history of the war. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat their mistakes and I won't let the magical world be destroyed."

Sirius nodded approvingly, but couldn't help but smile as well. "A war memorial, huh? Always looking for tax-cuts, aren't you Harry?"

Harry smiled slightly. "Just an added bonus, Padfoot"

"Ready?" asked Sirius.

"Yes" said Harry, his stony expression back in place. He flicked his wand to his hand and waved it over the grave. The marble stone split open, revealing a large coffin built for two. Harry walked to it and muttered 'Portus'. The coffin flashed and disappeared to Potter Castle. He wasn't going to let his parents' bodies remain in such an open place where people could easily defile them. He would do his duty and give them a proper burial at the family graveyard. With a flick of his wand, the marble grave slid back into place.

With twin cracks, both men Disapparated from Godric's Hollow.


It was past sundown, but the faint light from the sky could still be seen. Sirius and Amelia Black and all the Greengrasses were present in the Potter family graveyard, right in front of a large oak tree. All the elves of the Potter family were present as well, as Harry levitated the coffin and placed it at the base of the tree. With a flick of his wand, a large hole appeared in the ground, and Harry levitated the coffin inside. Harry walked around the grave slowly, following the ancient magical tradition of a funeral and finally conjured fire at the base of the grave.

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