She was so proud of him that words failed her. She just wanted him back in her arms so that she could see for herself that he was safe. Just then, she saw in the mirror that the Aurors had broken through.


Amelia and Sirius relentless tried to break through the wards around the graveyard. But the Auror was right; the Death Eaters had been highly prepared for this. There were numerous wards around the place and they had to track down several different ward stones that powered the wards around the place. And they were all of the deadly variety and so had to be handled with care so that none of them died in the attempt.

Amelia tried to remain calm, but it was useless. Tears flowed down her face as she thought about the fate of the boy who was the closest thing she had to a son. She relentlessly tried to break through the wards, working alongside the curse breakers, braving the horrible rain and wind.

Suddenly, they saw an enormous snake made of –

"Fiendfyre" whispered Sirius in agony as his eyes filled with tears.

But in a span of several seconds, they saw an even bigger spectacle. A thunderbird, made out of lightning itself, probably a hundred feet tall began to engage the basilisk made of fiendfyre.

"It's Harry!" yelled Sirius. "He's fighting Voldemort!"

"Everyone, move it!" shouted Amelia. "Blast the wards and destroy the ward stones if you have to! Just get those wards down!"

"But ma'am, we could destroy the whole village in the process, and us too" yelled a curse breaker. "There wards here are highly illegal and deadly. It will take more time to bring them down safely!"

"Do it as quickly as you can" said Amelia, wiping the tears from her eyes. They worked for several minutes, idly listening to the heavy spell fire coming from the graveyard. Suddenly, the spellfire stopped.

"How much longer?" barked Amelia.

"Just a few more minutes, Director Black" said a curse breaker. "We're almost there!"

After what seemed like an eternity to Sirius and Amelia, the wards finally came down. They checked for danger, and immediately rushed forward. Once they reached the site, they gasped.

The place was basically a war zone. Death and destruction could be seen everywhere as nearly twenty-five dead bodies were on the ground. In the middle of the ground, Harry was standing with a massive thunderbird.

"Harry!" shouted Sirius and Amelia, and went forward. They gasped at the state he was in. His clothes were torn in many places and he had deep gashes on his body. There was also a long gash on his face. Harry turned and saw the two people who could ever come close to his parents. He limped towards them and hugged Sirius and Amelia at the same time.

"We're sorry that it took so long" whispered Amelia. "But there were heavy duty wards around the place. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" said Harry, pulling back. "It's over. Voldemort is dead."

"He's dead?" asked Sirius in bewilderment.

Harry nodded and pointed to the beheaded corpse a few feet away. The Aurors all gasped and looked at Harry as if he were Merlin himself. If there was one place in the Ministry which could truly understand what Voldemort and his Death Eaters were capable of, it was the Auror Office, as they had personally been involved in the war. To them, Voldemort and his Death Eaters were what killed so many of their comrades and families, and here was a boy who had killed them all, and in the process ended another war before it even began. Harry had just gained an enormous fan following in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

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