The shorter one stopped in the light of a streetlamp to light a cigarette she recognised him as Magnus the bartender, The taller figure leaned against the streetlamp in a very sexy way and her heart lept into her throat as she recognised who it was

She felt a surge of elation washes over her like a wave crashing against the shore. It was as if every fibre of her being was vibrating with joy, and her heart felt as if it might burst with happiness. The source of her elation was simple yet profound. At that moment, the weight of uncertainty that had been pressing down on her shoulders lifted, and she felt as if she were soaring among the clouds. It was a feeling of boundless freedom and limitless possibility, as if the entire world lay at her feet, waiting to be explored.

Cyrus Anders hadn't left yet, he had waited for his bartender friend, SHE HAD A CHANCE

She took a moment to do some awkward sitting-down celebratory dancing which was in the end her downfall

She looked up and saw Magnus and Cyrus getting into a car, Magnus was smirking triumphantly and Cyrus looked guilty and a little annoyed

She watched with a horrible sense of dread as the car pulled out of the parking spot

"It's now or never BraineighBrynleigh, you can go home and say goodbye to either the greatest one-night stand of your life or the greatest relationship orrrr you can follow that car" 

She started her Tesla and followed the duo she made sure to have at least one or two cars in between them so she wasn't caught

The car turned down a small road

"Shit" Brynleigh gasped as she missed the turn-off she banged her hands against the wheel she'd have to drive for 20 or so minutes till a roundabout 

She groaned and turned on the radio

"Please don't be in love with someone else-"

"Great song Taylor but not the energy I need" she muttered 

She changed the song and sat in a car for half an hour listening to classical music in otherwise silence until finally a roundabout came into view

The car in front of her was a pussy and didn't go when it had the chance which led to brynleigh honking and road raging but she eventually made it around.

She zoomed down the street as fast as legally possible receiving many rude fingers on the way

She finally reached the tiny turn-off

"If i do this all and he doesn't give me his number I'm kicking him to the Gulf of Mexico" she whispered bitterly

It was easy to see why she missed the turn-off it was a tiny dirt track surrounded by a very thick very tall forest that didn't show up on Google Maps it didn't seem to lead anywhere in general the perfect hiding place for mobsters or druggies

"what is he doing down here? drugs? Sex? etc etc?" she was very confused

she followed the track for what felt like 4 years, by the time she reached the end the radio was off, nobody on air no more

She parked her car on a small patch of grass hidden by the trees and stepped out stretching her body out fully

She had ended up at a very large clearing with the tallest of the trees stretching up and forming a barricade between this place and the outside world

The air around her was cold, the breeze icy, the place was unwelcoming and eerie it screamed danger

But she was lonely and had never felt as happy as she had laughing on a bar stool with Cyrus this had to be worth it

In the middle of the clearing was a huge black sky-scraper-like building

The big black building loomed ominously against the skyline, its towering silhouette casting a dark shadow over the grass below. Made entirely of what seemed to be glass, its façade was a labyrinth of sharp angles and reflective surfaces, seeming to trap the light rather than reflect it.

From a distance, the building appeared as a monolithic structure, its sleek exterior devoid of any signs of life. The glass panels tinted a deep, inky black, absorbed the feeble rays of sunlight, rendering the interior hidden and impenetrable to prying eyes.

As she drew nearer, the true scale of the building became apparent. Each pane of glass was like a window into the void, offering glimpses of the desolate interior within. The building seemed to stretch endlessly into the sky, its darkened windows staring out like empty eyes, devoid of warmth or welcome.

The air surrounding the building felt heavy and oppressive as if weighted down by the sheer magnitude of its presence. A palpable sense of foreboding hung in the atmosphere, suffusing every corner with an eerie stillness.

On this night, the building took on an even more menacing aura. The glass exterior seemed to swallow the feeble glow of her phone torch, casting the surrounding area into pitch darkness. Shadows danced along the walls, twisting and contorting in a macabre dance of darkness.

She walked closer to the building

Maybe she'd taken the wrong turn? why would charming, Golden retriever Cyrus Anders live somewhere like this!?

She had just about managed to convince herself that she'd turned too early or missed some other little track on the long winding dirt one and that if she took that she'd end up at a little farmhouse with a roast on the table and a small lab attached and a handsome Cyrus on the balcony getting the fresh air

She turned to return to her car when she saw it, the sleek black car Magnus and Cyrus had been driving in.

She hadn't taken a wrong turn

She hadn't missed an exit

She was in the right place

and if she wanted to get some she had to enter this giant building

She confidently hung-over hobbled to the door "Gotta get my hair pin nobody stupid enough to leave the door unlocked-"

The door was open a smidge as if a drunk driver or extremely tired and depressed assassin with great hair had been too wiped out to realise they'd left it open

She shrugged and pushed the door open fully slowly and quietly closing it behind her

Inside, the building was a labyrinth of winding corridors and echoing chambers, each one seemingly darker and more forbidding than the last. The air was thick with the scent of mildew and decay, and the sound of footsteps echoed hauntingly through the empty halls.

Occasionally, a solitary light flickered to life in one of the windows, casting a feeble glow into the darkness. But rather than offering solace, these flickering beacons only served to heighten the building's sense of isolation and despair.

It occurred to her that Cyrus could be in a relationship, or he could be romantic, maybe he wasn't looking for anything at the moment, SHE HAD STALKED HIM, and just broken into his very creepy very well hidden home.

The full weight of what she was doing hit her like a dictionary

Then an actual dictionary hit her.

SOOOOOOO I'm not dead 

Bye - Liz

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